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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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gsm x2

 Ab Divergsm x2 <----runs around wildly picking up bottles and caps trying to match them.  Dang--the twist tops are OK, but how bent the heck out of the non-twist-tops.  Oh look, as small ball and peen hammer works ok.
 Now what to fill the bottles back up with?????
 Any ideas????
 gsm x2


 Civil_War_BuffThis has to be open for discussion this weekend and I m sure we ll find the perfect answer. Got to get those pizza boxes out to the trash.

Ab Diver

 Civil_War_BuffWhat the...?  Hey, the bathroom door has a sign on it saying " Out of Order" ! Oh, I see... somebody set up this Tee-Pee Outhouse with a Porta-Potty in it, and a sign that says " #1 Only!"  Well, ok-- when you gota go, you gotta go. (goes about business)
 " Ok guys, it s been a fun weekend, but I gotta go help some folks remodel their trailer--something about adding a slide-out bathroom. Lemme know if the cops find out what happened to my beer collection. See ya all later!"
 (Walks out the door whistling)


QuoteLemme know if the cops find out what happened to my beer collection. See ya all later!"  

 check with the NNC News Special of " Beer Thieving On the Rise" .  And be carefull of the GSMx2... he may seem like a Robin Hood, but there are those of us who have our suspicions.  He likes his wine in public, but he has a  beer tooth"  hiding in the closet.
 Just a friendly warning!


 Civil_War_BuffOk Scott, you d better keep an eye on your coolers.

Ab Diver

 oldmooseWell, I ll be a suck-egg hound! My beer collection is back on the wall! Let s see-- 1,2,3,4....  yep, they re all there! Ya know, I ve been saving this collection for a " special occasion"  like my daughter s wedding, but it s almost too nerve wracking having it a hanging around like this. I know, I ve got the *perfect*  event to take it to.....
 (skipping to " What s for dinner"  thread)


 Ab Diver:::::standing just outside door, not daring to venture in:::::
 [:o][&:][: (][:o]

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffOMG--I can t believe that I pulled it off.  100 bottles of beer on the wall and I don t think Dave is any the wiser.  And since I am certain that he ll NEVER EVER EVER drink a single one of that collection, the secret is safe.
 Oh no...BRB...have to go to the TeePee
 gsm x2

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffA huge storm comes up in the North Sea and two Irishmen are swept off their oil platform.  The others cast an inflatable into the sea in hopes the men can reach it, but all float away before anyone can see if they do.
 Miraculously both Irishmen make it to the boat, climb aboard, but are blown out to sea where they are shipwrecked for 21 days.  All seems lost.
 One opens his eyes, looks into the frothy ocean and sees a lamp floating nearby.  He grabs is, rubs it and a " one wish"  geenie appears.
 " What is your wish,"  says the geenie.
 " I wish the sea was Guiness Stout,"  wishes the Irishman.
 " POOF"  the sea turns into Guiness Stout and the lamp and the geenie disappear.
 " Sean, Sean,"  the man yells to wake his friend. " We re saved! We re saved. I ve had a geenie turn the sea into Guiness Stout."
 Sean awakens, dips his head into the frothy liquid and raises up and exclaims. " Saved?  You ve doomed us!  You ve doomed us!!"
 " NO we re saved.  Why do you think we are doomed."
 " Because,"  Sean says, " Now we ll have to pee INTO the boat."

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffBack---just as I thought, the PortaPotti is full.  The contents are BROWN, but oh so foul.  I am soo glad that I stopped in Vons last night.  Right there at the front of the store they had 12-packs of A&W Diet Root Beer on sale for two-for-$6.00.   A small price to pay to get all the brown beers in clear bottles back on the wall.
 The collection is safe.  I am certain that Dave will never notice.
 Can t wait until the rally.  He must have good taste; wonder if he ll offer me a beer.
 gsm x2


 Civil_War_BuffI m tell n.
 And I m sticking with bottled water.
 [: (][: (][: (][: (]




 Civil_War_BuffDamnation, the AC went out last night and the water pipe for the evaporative cooler broke when I tried to fix it.  I had to turn on the sprinklers to get a cooling effect with this HOT weather. At least the frig is working and the beer is good and cold. I ve got to cut the weeds out in front before the sisters get upset. When they are window height, it s time to mow. Don t even remember what it used to look like!

Ab Diver

 Civil_War_BuffBill, last time I was over at the clubhouse was just before all the beer brew-haha happened. I coulda swore I drove over there in my old chopped-top  50 Merc, but stumbled (crawled) home after celebrating well into the " wee"  hours of the morning. Funny thing is, I ain t seen my car since. Ya don t s pose that Merc is hidden in all that grass, do ya?


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 Bill, last time I was over at the clubhouse was just before all the beer brew-haha happened. I coulda swore I drove over there in my old chopped-top  50 Merc, but stumbled (crawled) home after celebrating well into the " wee"  hours of the morning. Funny thing is, I ain t seen my car since. Ya don t s pose that Merc is hidden in all that grass, do ya?

 You don t s pose those mind-numbing headaches you were having were just a result of a raging hangover from the beer brew-haha do you? [;)] Don t you know the saying:
 Liquor before beer you re in the clear
 Beer before liquor makes you sicker
 You may have violated one of those rules. [&:][8D]