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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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 gsm x2OK guys, dust off the duds and make sure to clean up this weekend. We have to spiffy up for the ladies. Be sure to get them some nice flowers or trinket to show your appreciation for all they ve done for us. Love them todeath. They deserve it.


QuoteBe sure to get them some nice flowers or trinket

 Trinket?  Trinket?????
 Sis-tuhs, methinks another uprising is in order!


 CottonwooderTrinkets?  We don t need no stinkin  trinkets!  [;)]
 (Altho I do know that Old Moose plans on taking Young Moosette out for sushi on Mom s day. Any guy that ll spring for sushi is A-Okay in my book!) [:D]

gsm x2

 griffsmomWe took my sister to the Orange County Mining Company last night for Mother s Day dinner.  That place was very special.  After dinner we watched Disneyland shoot off 20 minutes of fireworks. Very wonderful night.
 BTW--any luck finding her a guy?  These " brother/sister-in-law dates"  just lack something.
 Happy Mothers Day to all.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Ok, trinkets was a bad call. Jewlery, gift certificates, trips and those kind of things were what I meant. You know I hated being forced to go back to the carnival to eat again. Damn


 gsm x2Boys, boys...BOYS!!  Wake up!!  
 Yeesh, they re all passed out.  [:o][: (][&:][:(]
 That s it, ladies.  Let s move that tap out and on over to our place.  We ve got to save these boys from themselves.  I think it might even look nice with a little table skirt attached to the front of it.  Maybe something in a nice chintz?[;)]

Ab Diver

 griffsmom(Sits up) Burp! (yawn) Snrafffle, rumple-diggs, jamma-wingding (and various other semi-consious semi-articulated verbiage) ... scratches chin (and anything else that itches)... looks around and sees *something* is missing:
 " What-da...HUH????  Oh, NOOOooo!!! Not the BAR!!! They took the whole $#@% Bar!!!!!"


 gsm x2I m bringing the hose in here and washing it down.  wheeeew!
 Roll up the pants, it s too late to save the shoes.


 gsm x2Boy I m sure glad the linoleum was glued down well. I though they used a fire hose in here. At least they put a a couple of garbage bags over the TV. Oops got to run. The pizza guy is at the door. How are we going to eat pizza with water? Yuck.


 gsm x2That Moose is too cute>  Where did you get it?
 C wooder has that great clapping happyface too.  Where can I find these things?


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 That Moose is too cute>  Where did you get it?
 C wooder has that great clapping happyface too.  Where can I find these things?

 you can find the pics (gifs actually) that you are asking about at:
 (for future use, if you see something like these, and you want to know where they come from, put your mouse pointer on the picture, right click and then go to either " view source"  or " properties" , and when you do that it will give you the url for the object).


 Civil_War_BuffThanks Larry
  I never  surf around for this stuff.  
 Now I ll be playing with it all day and night.  


QuoteC wooder has that great clapping happyface too. Where can I find these things?

 Hi Dianne, I ve been offline most of the weekend.  I ve found a bunch of these sites through other boards, and they re so darn cute!  Here are some:
 A couple of things of note:
 1)  All of these sites say it s OK to post their smileys on other message boards and into e-mails.
 2)  If all the pictures slow your computer down too much, go up toward the top right and click on " My Profile" . Scroll down to the bottom where it lists three " Speed Options"  of " Don t Show smiley faces/images/avatars"  Check all three, or at least the second one, " Images in posts" . Voila! These things won t appear to slow you down.


 Civil_War_BuffThanks Patricia
 These things are cute.  I will store them away in my favorites I guess.  I ll have to search them for an otter. [:)]
 Teachers must go nuttsy with all this stuff.  We are so  cutzie .  

Ab Diver

 oldmooseOh, noooo! THIEF!!!! I can t believe it....  Somebody broke in here and stole my prize collection of " " 99 Beers Of The World" ! My girls gave them to me last year as a Father s Day Present.
 &^$%$&%(^*&!!!!!  They were all here last time I looked just a couple days ago. If I ever find the culprits....