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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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Ab Diver

 CottonwooderHey, nobody stood your gals up! We was there all along. You DID go to the black door with the white stripes, right? Remember, the suite next to us has the white door with the black stripes. Which one did you go to?


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 Hey, nobody stood your gals up! We was there all along. You DID go to the black door with the white stripes, right? Remember, the suite next to us has the white door with the black stripes. Which one did you go to?

 Uh nice try, but we re not buying THAT story!  Leave it![;)]

gsm x2

QuoteUh nice try, but we re not buying THAT story! Leave it!  

 Believe It or Leave It Game reaches the Internet and begins to spread its wings.  Beth will be so thrilled.
 gsm x2


 CottonwooderOh Boy!![8D] Not going there[&:].


QuoteOh Boy!!  Not going there  .

 I believe it!![:)]

gsm x2

QuoteHe sounds absolutely wonderful! And cooks great, too! Moose, you should be cloned. Many times.

 A herd of cows.  A gaggle of geese.  A clone of moose.
 Sounds flipping right to me.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Where have all the young men gone..Long time passing
 Where have all the flowers gone. long time ago
 hummmmm  hummmm hummmm  
 Pretty quiet in here.  


 gsm x2Ok guys, we have to remember Mother s Day is not too far off. We ve got to remember to get this mess cleaned up. And we promised our ladies some flowers. They let us get away with a lot so make them feel special, which they are of course.




 gsm x2Remember guys!  Just say no   [: (] to vacuums and like  cleaning  aides [&:] EVEN if they are for the pop up.
 Think:  lounge chairs, [:D]sun shades,[:)] catered meals, [8D] ...there you are headed in the right direction...[:)][:)][:)]


 gsm x2Oh, got to go order the ribs and beans for MD. We may sound off later tho.

gsm x2

 gsm x2Of course one could follow the lead of a certain ex-hubby and say, " Hey, you re not MY mother."
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteOf course one could follow the lead of a certain ex-hubby and say, " Hey, you re not MY mother."  
 gsm x2
Nobody in the IAMT room is THAT dumb, Scott.  That is why they invented the term EX------


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 Where have all the young men gone..Long time passing
 Where have all the flowers gone. long time ago

 When will they ever learn?
 When will they......ever learn?


 gsm x2Anyone up for the chat room tonight?