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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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 Ab DiverROFL, makes sense, LOL!
 And Flip!


 CottonwooderWhat do you guys discuss here and why is flipper posting here ? Isn t this a male Only Thread ?
 It is impossible to read all the posts and make sense ... so I just jumped in ......[;)]


QuoteWhat do you guys discuss here and why is flipper posting here ? Isn t this a male Only Thread ?

 I wasn t actually IN this room at the time.  That was my laughter floating over from the HaHa room.  [:D]


 CottonwooderHa ! It is not so ! You posted here I saw it with my own beautiful eyes ! [;)]


 CottonwooderYou never know where Patricia will show up.

 CottonwooderI m sure red and ab diver both made the dive across the hall in air.  I was watchin .
 There s a saying about bear hunting don t have to out run the bear..just your hunting buddy.....
 Ab that why we always dive with a buddy also?????  Shark bait[;)]
 AKA Jon

gsm x2

QuoteAb that why we always dive with a buddy also????? Shark bait

 Or as my brother so aptly phrased it when getting certified.
 Instructor:  " What do you do if you see a shark when diving, Bob."
 Bob:  Get my buddies attention.  Pull out my knife.  Get back to back with my buddy.  When he s not looking at me, cut off his legs, and swim like hell to get out of there."
 Mother raised some survivalists.
 gsm x2


QuoteTo paraphrase the comedienne " Gallagher"  : Us menfolk didn t descend from those big, tough cavemen who went out and fought the dinosaurs. We all descended from the little, bitty, quick guys that ran and got away."  

 Classic! I forgot all about Gallagher. One of the GREAT comedians. Wheres my sledge-o-matic?!

 Who do you think you are, Jim Redelfs?
QuoteGlad to hear you got this weird wired problem taken care of!
 Have fun at Woodson Bridge SP! It sure looked nice when we drove through it while we were all camping at that " other"  place. Although it was the site of my first rally and where I first met a bunch of this group, so some good came from that dump, lol. What impressed me about the group at that rally btw, is how we still made it such a great rally even though it was a second rate cg. I ll never forget the " residents"  asking our 3 year-old if he could spare any money, haha.
 Have a Sierra Nevada PA for me while you re in Chico!

 Regarding our camping trip at Woodson Bridge SP this weekend, I have three words for you: HOTTER THAN HELL! To put it in perspective, my Birkenstock soles peeled away from the cork.
 Neff, your memory is correct, the park is really nice. They have large grassy sites and the site we chose had lots of privacy, couldn t see another site from ours. Mrs. Sacto bought me a canopy so we used that for some shade and the popupgizmos bunk end covers (I set it up YOUR way, sans velcro). We also brought that little blow up pool which was the only think that kept us cool. We had to keep dunking our heads in it. Saturday night I just sat in it. Ice was melting faster than glacier icecaps. So we would drain some of the water into a pot and I would dump it on my head. Yowsa! that was COLD! I sounded like a hyena! We probably bought about $10 of ice from Woodson Bridge RV park this weekend. Let it be known that Coleman Extreme coolers kick butt and my dumpy red cooler does not. Also let it be known that drinking melted ice from a cooler that has been cleaned with Formula 409 does NOT taste very good. We re gonna be picking up one of the $20 extreme coolers from Walmart very soon. Fortunately, the non-xtreme cooler was only used for drinks. We went through a whole case of bottled water this weekend.
 I was in pure heaven on Saturday night when we went out to dinner and to my delight I found the rarest of rarest of gems: SIERRA NEVADA WHEAT ON TAP! Of course, it helps that we were in Chico, but still......So of course I ordered myself up a 22 oz Euro pint, but Sactotoddler was in no mood to sit still, so we scarfed our food and I pounded my Sierra Wheat (not my preferred method, but I m not leaving it behind) and we got out of there.
 We return back to the campsite (did I mention the minivan temperature gauge registered 110 in some locations and the humidity! We couldn t believe it) and, as you know, Woodson Bridge HAS NO HOOKUPS. So the ELECTRIPAC to the rescue! We used it to run the fan while we tried to fall asleep and once it cooled down (around 12:00 a.m.) we turned it off. That Electripac got drained down pretty good, but we charged it back up while driving around on Saturday and on the way home Sunday.
 Anyway, we still had a good time and would like to go back to Woodson Bridge SP sometime again, just not when it s >100 degrees! [;)]


 CottonwooderI always thought that Sactocamper was a HE too [>:] Until I started to post here. What is with me and this ! [:o]

Ab Diver

QuoteAb that why we always dive with a buddy also????? Shark bait
QuoteInstructor: " What do you do if you see a shark when diving, Bob."  
 Bob: Get my buddies attention. Pull out my knife. Get back to back with my buddy. When he s not looking at me, cut off his legs, and swim like hell to get out of there."  

 Yup, Like I told my students, just be glad sharks don t LIKE the taste of humans, cuz the olny thing slower in the ocean than YOU is kelp and abalone, and you got " Meal: Ready-To-Eat"  tattooed to your neoprene butt.[;)]
QuoteWho do you think you are, Jim Redelfs?

 WOW!!! Blast from the past. Whatever happened to Jim? He was a great asset to the ALT pop-up newsgroup-- good advice, and funny as heck. I always wished he d have jumped into our little pond at PUT.


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 WOW!!! Blast from the past. Whatever happened to Jim? He was a great asset to the ALT pop-up newsgroup-- good advice, and funny as heck. I always wished he d have jumped into our little pond at PUT.

 I remember him, he was always had good information. Probably got fedup with thre trolls. I rarely read alt.rv anymore, and that is how I found PUT, shame ....

 Ab DiverAb diving with you requires a sharp tip knife?  Mine s blunt...have to go buy a new one before we dive together.
 Did a dive in Oahu, the Mahi ( that had a reef shark that frequented the wheel house.  Pretty cool.  Problem is , at 90 ft, my bt was cut in half.  I was 6ft and 205 at the time and I suck the air.  
 Doing a refresher course on 8/2.  Since the kids haven t been diving.  Hopefully I can pull off a we boat trip to the Channel Islands prior to January Hawaii trip.
 AKA Jon


 CottonwooderWhy is diving fun ? It is so dangereous ....... Is it the sights you see under water ?

 birolIt is another world that is totally fascinating.  And it s not dangerous if you keep your head about you and don t do things that are beyond your capability and training.  Plus, fresh baracuda and kelp bass civiche is incredible.
 AKA Jon


 CottonwooderBut people die doing that !