RE: " I Scream Rally" Collins Lake Oct. 10-12

Started by SactoCampers, Jul 10, 2003, 05:08 PM

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 Calstate361Sacto, OK, I take it all back if it will make you feel better.  I could have misunderstood Mrs. Sacto [;)] and as Sal says " only heard what I wanted to hear" .  I m gland you got to play most of the sports you wanted to play because I was thinking, " you poor guy"  not being able to play all those studley sports with the others.
 Now, I have to come to Mrs. Sacto s defence here because that is just " a girl s thing" ...[:D] AND, if you didn t have that to make comparisons with, what would you do?
 Luckily SacToddler will not be at that stage for a few more years anyway, so enjoy your camping while you can, you will soon be like the AbDivers and many of our other camping friends (scheduling around the kid s events).
 Boy, am I glad Sal s kids are all grown up and out of the house.  We only have to worry about the cats when we take off because we usually take the dogs with us.


 pcmomHello Everyone,
 Thanks for all the quick emails!! [:D] [:D]  However, I haven t heard from a couple of you so if someone else know what trailers they have can you let me know?
 Clueless in Sacramento

 Also, is SammySlave attending?  If so, what site did they choose?
 Thanks!!!!  I m hoping to get this faxed to Collins Lake today.


 pcmomHello Everyone,
 Here is an update on the sites still avilable.  We have 12 officially registered for this rally.
QuoteLakefront sites $35/night: 114, 124, 126
 Non-Lakefront sites $29/night:  103, 105, 106, 120, 127

 See map at:
 Each person will need to call Collins Lake directly to reserve their specific site (from above).  1-800-286-0576
 When you call, tell them to look at the reservation under " Van Gent"  (my last name) and then to look in the " COMMENTS"  section. This states to allow others to reserve sites not already taken within the 20.


QuoteORIGINAL:  pcmom
 Also, is SammySlave attending?  If so, what site did they choose?
 Thanks!!!!  I m hoping to get this faxed to Collins Lake today.

 The best thing is to e-mail him. He usually waits untill the last min. to reserve a site.
 Also he has been busy at work so prob has no clue the sites are filling up.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Calstate361
 Boy, am I glad Sal s kids are all grown up and out of the house.  We only have to worry about the cats when we take off because we usually take the dogs with us.

 You can t possibly be as happy as I am.[;)]
 You didn t have to put up with them![:@]


 pcmomAt the risk of getting the trailer lengths wrong, cuz I can only look up the latest models on the web, here is an approximate list.
 RTurner has a Terry Ultralite, I think is 19  and should be no more than 24   open.
 Ca-Girl has a 25  Caravan, length open 27
 Clueless has a 23  Caravan, length open 25 .
 No idea on Sammyslave, but they should be at Tahoe next weekend.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteYou can t possibly be as happy as I am.  
 You didn t have to put up with them!  

 I crack up when couples talk to each other on the boards! LOL


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 RTurner has a Terry Ultralite, I think is 19  and should be no more than 24   open.
 Ca-Girl has a 25  Caravan, length open 27
 Clueless has a 23  Caravan, length open 25 .

 Thanks for the info.  I faxed it to Collins Lake today.


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteORIGINAL:  Hybrid Holly
 I crack up when couples talk to each other on the boards! LOL

 Well Holly, Sal s at home and I m at work.   Oh the joys of modern conveniences!  Besides, he complains that when he tries to call me, all he gets is my voice mail! [&:]  What can I say, I m busy.


 Calstate361Since I was the last one to post  here before the board went down, I ll be the first one to post here again.
15 days to go for Thursday arrivals
 16 days to go for Friday arrivals
 After all this, I NEED TO GO CAMPING!!!


14 days for Thrusday Arrivals
 15 days for Friday Arrivals
 PC Mom, did you find out last weekend if Sammyslave (Larry & Rita) will be able to make it to this rally?  If he can t make it then we all need to chat a bit about filling in for him!  You know from this last rally, everything centers around the food.
 HEY, that was a FLIP!


 My friends had to cancel for this weekend[:(].  They sold their TV and don t know when they will be able to get another one.  They were in site 112.  I still have site 111.


 Calstate361I asked Larry about coming and it depended on his schedule.  He didn t know if he would make it or not.
 So WHO is doing the cooking???????
 I " might"  have a new camp chef birthday is before the rally and it s on my wish list [:D] [:D]


 ckkevinCK Kevin,
 That is too bad that your friends can t make it.  We re at about 12 families attending right now.  I look forward to meeting you at Collins Lake!


 pcmomHello Everyone,
 It s time to release our camp sites that have not been reserved.  If you are planning on attending the " I Scream Rally"  then please reserve your site today [:D]
 I will be calling them tomorrow (Friday) to release the sites.