RE: " I Scream Rally" Collins Lake Oct. 10-12

Started by SactoCampers, Jul 10, 2003, 05:08 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  ckkevin
 Thanks for giving me credit for Champ521 s update.[:D]  
 I also reserved 112 for a fellow popup friend of ours.  BTW when I called the second time to reserve the second site, I said we were with a group and gave him the dates.  He responded back with " oh you are with THE GROUP" .  I said yes a group on Oct. 10 and he responded back with " we are referring it to it as the group" [8D]

 Oops,[:o] Champ521 will you please forgive me?[8D]  How dare I confuse you with CKkevin [&:]
 CKkevin, I have your friend down for 112 - this makes 12 sites officially reserved!
 So, how many members have to attend to reach Mega-Rally status?[:D]  This would be awesome to reach mega-rally status - it will be my 2nd rally in attendance and first as wagonmaster - so what do you all say - how many more of you can come????[:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

gsm x2

 It looks like we can say with some certainty that we WILL NOT be able to attend.  However, I just wanted to pop-in and say what a great job you are doing overcoming some challenges with your first Wagonmastering duties.
 It s nice that they got everything straightened out by referring to us as THE GROUP.  It would be interesting to listen to the voice inflection when they say, " The group."   Is it [:)] or [: (] or [:@]
 gsm x2


QuoteSo, how many members have to attend to reach Mega-Rally status?

 pcmom-That was a question I asked at Snug Harbor back in March when we 18 families. I got laughed at. I never did get an answer. I do forgive you for confusing me with ckkevin. After all I m his neighbor at Collins.


 pcmomBee Cee:
 Seventeen.  But I think we ought to raise that number to twenty three.  Now, a Super-Rally, that s  different story altogether, you need the bulk (33) and scheduled activities.


 pcmomSurfcal-Good to hear from you. Are you going to make any of the upcoming rallies? I was contemplating heading your way this last weekend to get out of the valley heat. Just couldn t bring self to leave the A/C in the house.

Hybrid Holly

 pcmomHey Dave and Carrie,
 We missed you at Mt Madonna.  
 How  bout those Giants?
 hmmmm baby!!!!!


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteHow  bout those Giants?
 hmmmm baby!!!!!

 Ten in a row and counting. How about Barry s performance on his birthday (Thu.)?

Red neff Barchetta

 pcmomHey all,
 Be sure to check and save your credit card statement from this month.  Ours arrived yesterday and Collins Lake charged the $40.00 deposit for this October rally already!  They told me they wouldn t charge my card until I arrived at the rally or not at all if I paid cash which is what I was going to do.  No big deal for us since we are definitely going to make this rally, but I thought I d let everyone know so you don t forget about this charge in July and then get charged again in October.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteTen in a row and counting. How about Barry s performance on his birthday (Thu.)?

 put one more in the win column!   I must be dreaming!!!
 Will Collin s Lake be during the Playoffs/World Series?

Hybrid Holly

Quoteput one more in the win column! I must be dreaming!!!

 Just as I say this, they go and lose....well it was a darn good winning streak!


QuoteLakefront sites $35/night: 114,
 Non-Lakefront sites $29/night:  103, 105, 106, 107, 120, 127, 129

 See map at:
 Each person will need to call Collins Lake directly to reserve their specific site (from above).  1-800-286-0576
 When you call, tell them to look at the reservation under " Van Gent"  (my last name) and then to look in the " COMMENTS"  section. This states to allow others to reserve sites not already taken within the 20.

 Hello Everyone,
 Just got back from our 2 week vacation to Salt Lake and Yellowstone.  I will post our " trip report"  and photos (I took close to 1000 pictures [:D] ) in the next couple of days.  Let me just say - I had winds from Susanville, CA all the way across Nevada. One storm from about 60 miles west of Winnemucca, had 40 - 50 mph winds, with rain, thunder and lightening too!  Kids thought it was great to see the tumbleweeds going across the highway - mom on the other hand was white-knuckle gripping the steering wheel going about 35 mph just to stay in the slow lane and on the road![:o]
 On to follow-up on the I Scream Rally [:)]  There are still 8 sites (see above) being held for us.  Here are the 12 sites currently reserved (Can this be posted/updated on the website?)
 109-CA Girl
 115-Clueless in Sacramento
 116-pcmom (wagonmaster)
 122-Hybrid Holly
 124-Red neff Barchetta
 126-The Memory Maker

gsm x2

 pcmomWelcome home Michelle.  Looking forward to your stories and photos.  I don t imagine you took too many as you rolled down the road in 50 MPH winds.
 gsm x2



QuoteORIGINAL:  abbear
 I just reserved site 129

 Thanks for the update.   You make #13 for our Rally!! [:D][:D][:D]

Red neff Barchetta

 pcmomMichelle/PCMom -
 Unfortunately I m going to have to pull my very first " Sacto"  and bow out of this rally.
 Site #124 is now available for the taking as I have already contacted Collins Lake.
 Have fun everyone!