RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Quote from: ckkevinWell I suppose that would be the question of the hour for my schedule.  I don't know for sure.:(   I can't attend the FALLling Turkeys Rally because of a trip to North Carolina.  I have now been asked to clear my calendar for a trip to Birmingham, England in February.  Would you like to guess when that trip is?  Yes,  :mad:  It is February 25 - 29 (hey, next year is leap year).  I should know by the end of next week if I will be going to England.

However, there is always December and January.  So who knows :confused:
Sounds like you need to re-prioritize things with your boss.
Work is getting in the way of your camping


Quote from: 6QuigsSounds like you need to re-prioritize things with your boss.
Work is getting in the way of your camping

That's kind of what I was thinking.  

BTW, I may be going to Cork, Ireland toward the end of January.  Can you recommend any good pubs?


Quote from: ckkevinThat's kind of what I was thinking.  

BTW, I may be going to Cork, Ireland toward the end of January.  Can you recommend any good pubs?
Any Pub you visit in Ireland will be better than anything you find in Birminham, England in February ;)

Just remember to drink the local Beer, like Guinness, Murphys, Harp or Smithwicks.
as the imported stuff (like Bud and Coors that the Yuppies over there drink) is more expensive  :confused:

Red neff Barchetta

That just blows me away.  Why on earth would people in Ireland drink Bud or Coors?!!  I live here and don't drink them.

Safe travels CKKevin and like 6QKevin said - You need to change jobs.  The one you have is getting in the way of camping!  Hope we see you for the leap year festivities.

A January rally is definitely not too soon to start planning for.  Anyone up for Wagonmastering?  I think Lake Chabot (a personal favorite of Mrs. Sacto.) was where we went January '03.

Red neff Barchetta

I called Casini today for my weekly confirmation call as I don't want any surprises since I'm "in charge" of this one.
Talked to Gina.  Btw, if you need to call Casini or need to talk to someone once you're there (other than checking in) Gina is the one you want to talk to.  She is really looking out for us.  She has made sure that we have as many fire pits available that we need for example.  She has us in an area that gets the most sunlight but with water friendly ground cover (gravel & asphalt).  She doesn't want us stepping out of our rigs into mud or water which I for one appreciate.  She was mentioning that there is a ton of wildlife activity in the river right now (& will remain for the rally w/e) we can watch from our sites.  Seals, salmon jumping, deer getting drinks, etc...  She also mentioned that the small amount of wind that they do get is from April to September so all is completely calm now.
She really thinks we will enjoy the coastal area this time of year as it is her favorite.  She mentioned that we will want plenty of firewood and to bring our winter jackets.  Obviously rain is out of her control.  The morning shade will remain until about 9:30 so she said most people just walk across the road to the dry sites (which will be empty) and eat and hang out at those tables which will have the sun on them.

Remember to check in at the store and pay for your own site & # of nights when you arrive.  My deposit check will be returned to me upon my arrival and I'll just be paying for my site & # of nights.  The only extra thing I would have to pay for would be one night's fee for each unused site that we have reserved (which are all full, so no worries there).

16 days to go for Thursday turkeys and 17 days to go for Friday turkeys!

Site 6 - R Turner arriving on Friday
Site 7 (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Thursday
Site 16 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless In Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)

PU's - Don't forget your Grey Water Totes!!

Red neff Barchetta

I just uncovered some funny business going on.

Larry & Rita apparently would rather hang out with our southern friends instead of camp with us!!

Fine!  Who needs 'em anyway.

Ok, ok, I do.  I'm hungry.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaThat just blows me away.  Why on earth would people in Ireland drink Bud or Coors?!!  I live here and don't drink them.

It does seem strange but what blows me away is that Bud and Coors are both better when bottled overseas.  I can't explain it but it is the truth.  

When I am entertaining our overseas clients here in the states and they order a bud, I always tell them not to expect the same bud they have in Europe.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaThe only extra thing I would have to pay for would be one night's fee for each unused site that we have reserved (which are all full, so no worries there).

Hey Neff/Jeff,
We need to pull a Sacto (family obligation, can't get out).  If I am too late just let me know and I will send you the fees for the first night.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: RTurnerHey Neff/Jeff,
We need to pull a Sacto (family obligation, can't get out).  If I am too late just let me know and I will send you the fees for the first night.

Rojana -
Those darn families!  They always seem to get in the way.
We are truly sorry that you guys can't make it.  You will be missed!!
No problem on the fee's as I don't have to cancel the site until Friday 11/14.

Red neff Barchetta

Well, with that bit of bummer news we now have an open site;

Anyone?  Bueller, Bueller, ...

Site 6 - ** Open (don't have to cancel until 11/14)

Site 7 (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Thursday
Site 16 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless In Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRojana -
Those darn families!  They always seem to get in the way.
We are truly sorry that you guys can't make it.  You will be missed!!
No problem on the fee's as I don't have to cancel the site until Friday 11/14.
Great, if no one calls dibs on it and I can get us wiggled out we would much rather be there with the Gang (minus participation in that weird game you all plan to play).  You will wait til then to cancel (?)

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: RTurnerGreat, if no one calls dibs on it and I can get us wiggled out we would much rather be there with the Gang (minus participation in that weird game you all plan to play).  You will wait til then to cancel (?)

If you could manage that then we would welcome you back with open arms!!  Wouldn't you rather be with this crazy group than your boring old family anyways?
Even if the site fills, Gina will hook us up with another site nearby.  She's my new best friend with all of the conversations we've had the past month, lol.
Sure hope you can pull a reverse Sacto.!
As far as the game is concerned, I plan to be with Champ521 wherever he decides to hide.


I talked to Larry and Rita and they are planning on going.  Do you have a site for them?

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickJeff,
I talked to Larry and Rita and they are planning on going.  Do you have a site for them?

Excellent Mike!  Way to twist their arms.  They are camping masters - going 2 w/e's in a row!

Well, we have site 6 open (sort of, lol) or I can call and ask Gina which site (2, 3, or 25) would be the next best option.  
We can do a slight site shuffle and get you next to them also if that works best for the chefs.
Let me know what you think we should do (as well as a firm commitment, if you haven't already got one).
I'll check in this afternoon.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaExcellent Mike!  Way to twist their arms.  They are camping masters - going 2 w/e's in a row!

Well, we have site 6 open (sort of, lol) or I can call and ask Gina which site (2, 3, or 25) would be the next best option.  
We can do a slight site shuffle and get you next to them also if that works best for the chefs.
Let me know what you think we should do (as well as a firm commitment, if you haven't already got one).
I'll check in this afternoon.

In the interest of those who might starve if Rita and Larry aren't there, by all means give them site 6. :D

Just got an email that dd last soccer game is that day as is her trophy party.  Alas, one more family obligation to nail shut the chances of us going to Casini that weekend.