RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Quote from: 6QuigsThe plan is to deep fry the turkeys on Saturday afternoon, and we will have two pots of very hot oil that will need Guarding, as everyone 16 and older will be trying to Survive, and everyone 16 and under will need to be kept away from the boiling oil.
So we need someone with plenty of Guarding experience for the job. Experience in handling Riot Crowds is a must!!

Looks like Bee Cee is the Man for the Job ;)  ;)

I'm all for it. Although, I think some people might compare it to letting Surf guard the tri-tip. :D

Red neff Barchetta

Alright then Rojana.  If you'd rather be with your family than us then I guess we'll take your site.
Seriously, if you change your plans then we can get a site for you.


Site 6 - (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 7 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 16 - Sammy Slave arriving on ?
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless In Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)

PU's - Don't forget your Grey Water Totes!!


Mike/Nick - Will you let your friends Larry & Rita know that they are in site 16 and can you find out if they are arriving Thursday (like they usually do) or Friday?  Also let them know to bring their tote.  Thanks!

My stomach is already yearning to hang out in sites 16 & 18!  Are you bringing any home brew?


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaAlright then Rojana.  If you'd rather be with your family than us then I guess we'll take your site.
Seriously, if you change your plans then we can get a site for you.


Site 6 - (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 7 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 16 - Sammy Slave arriving on ?
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless In Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)

PU's - Don't forget your Grey Water Totes!!


Mike/Nick - Will you let your friends Larry & Rita know that they are in site 16 and can you find out if they are arriving Thursday (like they usually do) or Friday?  Also let them know to bring their tote.  Thanks!

My stomach is already yearning to hang out in sites 16 & 18!  Are you bringing any home brew?

Well, now this sounds promising... home brew, hmmmmm [;)].

I found my way over from PUX thru some circuitous network path. I think Red extended us an invitiation to turkey rally but I'm not sure we will be able to make it; still discussing it with the calendar master.

Haven't posted here before but go by the handle zymomyz. My daughter started Sonoma State this fall. I just bought a new Fleetwood/Coleman Sun Valley. This weekend is our maiden voyage.


Ab Diver


<<<Site 6 - (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday>>>
This has gotta be a new record. Surf ain't even showed up to the rally yet and he's already hijacking sites. Hehehehe
zymomyz..... Welcome to our little corner of the net!!! I do sincerely hope you'll partake of our rally revelry. We don't bite... well, most of us don't. ;)  Congrats on the new Sun Vally, and have a wonderful time this weekend on your maiden voyage! If you need any info on particular campgrounds in a particular area, one of us is *sure* to have something helpful. This group has an amazing bank of camping experience to share.
Nike/Mike..... did you get my email?
Turkeys...... So, who be burning the bird? I plan on deep frying one.  But, does anyone have a set of those small interlinking fence panels for pets? that would make a great "barrier" to help keep any little Coughers from getting too close to the hot oil. Any other suggestions?
Ab Diver--- tired of working 'till almost 8PM every night in a little brown truck. (sigh... is it rally time yet?)

Red neff Barchetta

Zymomyz -
Glad you found us!  Like I said on PUX, if you can't camp with us then definitely consider visiting for the day on Saturday.  You'll have to stay for the potluck too!
Btw, my DW is a SSU grad. and now teaches science.
Good luck on your maiden voyage and don't forget those stabilizer's (my bit of advice for newbies)!
PUT went to a new software/forum a few weeks ago so the initial post in this thread unfortunately disappeared.  I had painfully written out directions, things to do, etc...  If you have any questions regarding Duncans Mills ask away!

Dave/Ab -
Sorry to hear about your late hours.  You'll be camping soon my friend.
Larry & Rita have the perfect fence they use for Sophie.  It would not only encircle the turkey roaster, but Dave/Champ as well.  Maybe Nick can make sure they bring it if they don't mind using it for such a purpose.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaZymomyz -
Glad you found us!  Like I said on PUX, if you can't camp with us then definitely consider visiting for the day on Saturday.  You'll have to stay for the potluck too!
Btw, my DW is a SSU grad. and now teaches science.
Good luck on your maiden voyage and don't forget those stabilizer's (my bit of advice for newbies)!
PUT went to a new software/forum a few weeks ago so the initial post in this thread unfortunately disappeared.  I had painfully written out directions, things to do, etc...  If you have any questions regarding Duncans Mills ask away!

Dave/Ab -
Sorry to hear about your late hours.  You'll be camping soon my friend.
Larry & Rita have the perfect fence they use for Sophie.  It would not only encircle the turkey roaster, but Dave/Champ as well.  Maybe Nick can make sure they bring it if they don't mind using it for such a purpose.

Okay, I just got the go ahead from the boss[/b] that we will come to Cassini. So do I just call and make a reservation ? Or what ?

Thanks !!

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: UnregisteredOkay, I just got the go ahead from the boss[/b] that we will come to Cassini. So do I just call and make a reservation ? Or what ?

Thanks !!

Excellent!  You don't need to do anything as I'm the "wagonmaster" for this rally and a deposit isn't needed (for most rally's a deposit is needed from everyone attending).  I'll call tomorrow and pick the next best site for our area.  Tomorrow afternoon I'll post your site and you'll simply pay for your site and # of nights when you arrive.  I'm assuming you're arriving on Friday and departing on Sunday.  I have forgotten the site fee, but I think it's $28.00 per night or something like that.  Aren't camping costs great?!  Bring some food to share if interested.
Now I've got to get some sleep.

Btw, bring your grey water tote (for your sink drain).
Our sites have electric, water, & cable.  No sewer though, hence the tote.
If your dealer didn't set you up with a tote and you don't get one by the rally then just bring a 5 gallon bucket and you can check out everyone's different totes before you buy one.

Ab Diver

RNB-- I'll show you my tote if you'll show me yours.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaExcellent!  You don't need to do anything as I'm the "wagonmaster" for this rally and a deposit isn't needed (for most rally's a deposit is needed from everyone attending).  I'll call tomorrow and pick the next best site for our area.  Tomorrow afternoon I'll post your site and you'll simply pay for your site and # of nights when you arrive.  I'm assuming you're arriving on Friday and departing on Sunday.  I have forgotten the site fee, but I think it's $28.00 per night or something like that.  Aren't camping costs great?!  Bring some food to share if interested.
Now I've got to get some sleep.

Btw, bring your grey water tote (for your sink drain).
Our sites have electric, water, & cable.  No sewer though, hence the tote.
If your dealer didn't set you up with a tote and you don't get one by the rally then just bring a 5 gallon bucket and you can check out everyone's different totes before you buy one.

Well that makes it easy !!

Our dealer did *give* us a tote, we'll be testing it this weekend at Mount Madonna (maiden voyage). So if there's any problem with it I'll be able to remedy it by Cassini time.

Cable, gee, what I don't have is a TV, that's television not Tow Vehicle [;)]. Well, maybe I won't mention it to DW.

Regarding food to share, do you dvide it up by category or is it a free-for-all ?

And thanks a lot !!



Quote from: UnregisteredRegarding food to share, do you dvide it up by category or is it a free-for-all ?

It's supposed to be a potluck although pretty soon you will see people posting what they will be bringing. The Saturday dinner potluck at our last rally turned into a saladfest. Not that there's anything wrong with that. If you bring it, it will get eaten (hopefully). Actually you will probably end taking some of it home or throwing it out. There is always just too much great food. Don't hesitate to ask for recipes either.

Red neff Barchetta

Zymomyz -
You're all set.
Site 25 it is.  Gina (at Casini) thought you'd get more sunlight in site 25 than site 3.
Now, I'll bring you up to speed briefly regarding the site thief.
There is a certain turkey amongst us who likes to arrive and set-up his half-a-PU (you'll see what I mean at the rally) in someone else's site.  He also likes to get drunk, er I mean have intelligent conversations with Champ/Dave who is in the site next to you (site 20D).  No worries if this happens to you.  In fact you could consider it an initiation rite.  I have him in a site that is a little smaller than the rest since he is lacking in size compared to some of us.  So if upon arrival I think his cute little PU is the only one for site 6 then I will do my best to corral him there.  On the other hand, he just might take Sammy Slave's site which always causes comical theater watching Larry/Sammy get worked up over this.

Nick/Mike -
What have you heard from Larry & Rita regarding an arrival day?

Everyone -
I'll check in later tonight with good news about us getting the Rec. Hall at no charge if it rains Saturday!

Red neff Barchetta

If it decides to rain on Saturday Gina has given us the Recreation Hall from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm for the potluck.  If another group does not claim it for the 7:00 to 10:00 slot then we can stay there past 7:00.  She is not going to charge us as she wants us to enjoy ourselves.
We can also have it if it doesn't rain, but it is quite a distance from our sites and we'd have to put stuff in TV's and drive it over.
The Rec. Hall is near the General Store where you will check-in upon arrival.

Here is the latest site assignments;

Site 6 - (yeah, right) - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 7 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 16 - Sammy Slave arriving on ?
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless In Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)
Site 25

Red neff Barchetta

Zymomyz -
Some people will start posting what they are bringing to the potluck probably next week.
Bring whatever you would like.  Like Champ/Dave said, we end up with a lot of salad type stuff so be sure to have other stuff you like for yourself ready to go also.  Sammy Slave/Larry & Nick/Mike are always very generous about making room for your hamburger (or whatever) on their golden grills so you don't have to cook down at your site if you'd rather hang with the group.
Btw, one of the best things about this group (besides the people) is nobody cares if you want some time to yourself or like to hang with the group most of the time.  Whatever you do is fine.
Now I'm done tutoring you on the group and rally's, lol.
I saw 6Quigs/Kevin dropped in on the "heaters and dry camping" thread over at PUX that we sort of hijacked from NorCal Camper.  He (Kevin) is a good guy to have a drink with.  Or 2, or 3, ...
I hope NorCal Camper joins us in the future as well.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaZymomyz -
Some people will start posting what they are bringing to the potluck probably next week.
Bring whatever you would like.  Like Champ/Dave said, we end up with a lot of salad type stuff so be sure to have other stuff you like for yourself ready to go also.  Sammy Slave/Larry & Nick/Mike are always very generous about making room for your hamburger (or whatever) on their golden grills so you don't have to cook down at your site if you'd rather hang with the group.
Btw, one of the best things about this group (besides the people) is nobody cares if you want some time to yourself or like to hang with the group most of the time.  Whatever you do is fine.
Now I'm done tutoring you on the group and rally's, lol.
I saw 6Quigs/Kevin dropped in on the "heaters and dry camping" thread over at PUX that we sort of hijacked from NorCal Camper.  He (Kevin) is a good guy to have a drink with.  Or 2, or 3, ...
I hope NorCal Camper joins us in the future as well.

Great ! I saw 6quigs post on PUX and responded only moments ago.... and have already memorized his camp site number ;)

We will arrive on Friday afternoon, probably between 3:00 and 4:00. We may hijack our DD from school and bring her along as well.

Looking forward to meeting ya'll !!



Quote from: UnregisteredGreat ! I saw 6quigs post on PUX and responded only moments ago.... and have already memorized his camp site number ;)

We will arrive on Friday afternoon, probably between 3:00 and 4:00. We may hijack our DD from school and bring her along as well.

Looking forward to meeting ya'll !!

Glad someone is memorizing my number for me, as the way Neff has been shuffling us around, I'll just do what Surf told me to do, and pick the nicest empty site, and claim I had to do it for safety reasons for the kids ;)

Not so sure exactly what time we will arrive, but it will be sometime friday afternoon, preferibly before dark, as it's tough enough backing the Hybrid into a site.

Pot Luck sign up....CWB is not coming, so no need for a sign up sheet, we can all just bring whatever the hell we want.  :Y