RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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So Ab Diver:

You da man for bringing the Turkey?  If you are, we will all pitch in our fair share.  I hear that you can only fry small ones.  If that's the case, to feed a lot of people, we might have to cook 2, 3 or 4 of those suckers.  6Quigs or Calstate361 seem to know.

But, don't let me railroad you if you're too busy.  I am sure someone else will step up to the plate if need be.  I am just trying to help coordinate this aspect so we don't end up eating tofu this and tofu that.

And, just how do you stuff tofu anyway?


Ab Diver

QuoteYou da man for bringing the Turkey?
Surf, my man, when have I ever turned down an opportunity to give you the bird? ;)
Yeah, I got it covered. When I broached this idea all the way back on page three, I just figured it would be our contribution to the pot-luck event. Don't worry about the cost... turkeys are cheap. Besides, I've seen some pretty nice slabs of beef (ox) donated to the common cause by others at previous rallys, so I don't consider one overgrown parakeet an extravagance. H*ll, I'll probably drink more of your money in beer than that whole turkey is worth. (hic)
However, if we be building de whole meal aroun' deep-fried turkey, we mighta wanna hava leetle bit mo' bird, kno' wut I mean? In that case, if someone wants to "cough" up another bird, so be it. Besides, we gotta welcome the "newest members/PUX importees" in style, right?


Quote from: Ab DiverSurf, my man, when have I ever turned down an opportunity to give you the bird? ;)
However, if we be building de whole meal aroun' deep-fried turkey, we mighta wanna hava leetle bit mo' bird, kno' wut I mean? In that case, if someone wants to "cough" up another bird, so be it.

Pretty clever comeback Mr. Ab Diver.  If that's the case, you can give me the bird any ol' time.

Yes, I think the deep fried bird is the centerpiece of the potluck.  I'll see if I can contact Larry and Rita and I will go in with them on another one.  I won't have time to pick one up because I will be out of town again between now and next Wednesday.

I think three birds would be ideal for the group.  We'll have to see how we can get another one pledged.  Okay everyone, we're holding a Turkey pledge drive.



Quote from: SurfcalI think three birds would be ideal for the group.  We'll have to see how we can get another one pledged.  Okay everyone, we're holding a Turkey pledge drive.


Turkey # 3 coming up.

At the last Rally, Margaret borrowed the Clueless's Turkey fryer, hoping to use it at Thanksgiving to fry a turkey.
Well, recently, Target had the Turkey Fryer on sale, so she bought herself one,
and is hoping to try it out at Casini.
So we'll have our new turkey fryer with us,
and will have the turkey and oil,
and be returning the Clueless fryer as well.

So surf if you bring another turkey,
there will be a spare fryer to use.

Red neff Barchetta

Although I've always been partial to bringing CWB's "whatever in the hell you want" we seem to have a potluck list starting.

Btw, I gotta say that this group is so terrific.  Tarps, heaters, fryers, etc...
We put a call out for it and presto there it is.

I'll also add this to the "big" post that I'll bump up every few pages.

Ab Diver - Turkey & fryer
Surfcal - Turkey & Clueless' fryer
6Quigs - Turkey & fryer
***All safely surrounded by Sophies corral***
Red neff Barchetta - Spaghetti with home-made sauce, SNPA, & Juices


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaBtw, I gotta say that this group is so terrific. Tarps, heaters, fryers, etc...
We put a call out for it and presto there it is.
And on that note, I have another call for help....
Surfcal and I are in need of two big coffee cans for our Survivor games.  Since neither one of us uses them, we're kind of stumped as to where to get our hands on some cans!
And before you the cans does NOT make you one of the judges thereby excluding you from participation in the games.  ;)


Well, not to be into "lists," but if we are to have a complete dinner for Saturday night without having redundancy, I suggest the following ideas and see how close we can get to completing it so that our dinner will have the major food groups covered.  I bet even the Pilgrims and Indians had a list.  

I also want to go on record (to preserve my renegade & maverick reputation) that I am against any sort of list, but I am doing this for the good of the group and for good eats.

It also gives everyone a chance to participate.  BTW, if you volunteer for something, you don't have to bring for all of 30 or so people.  I am sure that if two or so folks helped out in any one category, it'll be enough to go around.  So, here goes:

Paper plates, plastic silverware and napkins (paper towels):

Paper plates (big dinner ones & dessert) - need volunteer
Plastic silverware - need volunteer
Napkins & paper towels - need volunteer
Paper & plastic cups - need volunteer


Margaritas - need volunteer
Beers - need volunteer
Some mixed-drinks - need volunteer
Juices - Red Barchetta + (volunteer)
Sodas - need volunteer


Grilled Veggies - need volunteer
Tossed Salad & dressing - need volunteer

Main Course:

Turkey & fryer - Ab Diver
Turkey - Surfcal to pitch in (need a partner to pickup)
Turkey & 2 fryers - 6Quigs
Marinated tri-tip - need a couple of volunteers
Spaghetti with home-made sauce, SNPA, & Juices - Red Barchetta
Baked or Mashed Potatoes - need volunteers
Stuffing - need volunteer
Gravy - need volunteer
Potato Salad - need volunteer
Steamed carrots - need volunteer
Candied yams - need volunteer
Rolls - need volunteer
Corn - need volunteer
Fresh green beans - need volunteer
Cranberry sauce - need volunteer


Ice cream - need volunteer
Pumpkin pies - need volunteers
Apple pies - need volunteers

Hardware for the main kitchen area:

Stoves - need volunteers
Coolers and ice - Surfcal + (need volunteers)
Tunes (boombox) - need volunteer
Lanterns - need volunteers
Garbage bags - need volunteers

Last but not least, cleanup is a community acitivity!  It is good for the soul.

Well, there you go.  That's my suggested list.


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SurfcalWell, not to be into "lists," but if we are to have a complete dinner for Saturday night without having redundancy, I suggest the following ideas and see how close we can get to completing it so that our dinner will have the major food groups covered.  I bet even the Pilgrims and Indians had a list.  

I also want to go on record (to preserve my renegade & maverick reputation) that I am against any sort of list, but I am doing this for the good of the group and for good eats.

It also gives everyone a chance to participate.  BTW, if you volunteer for something, you don't have to bring for all of 30 or so people.  I am sure that if two or so folks helped out in any one category, it'll be enough to go around.  So, here goes:

Paper plates, plastic silverware and napkins (paper towels):

Paper plates (big dinner ones & dessert) - need volunteer
Plastic silverware - need volunteer
Napkins and paper towels - need volunteer


Margaritas - need volunteer
Beers - need volunteer
Some mixed-drinks - need volunteer
Juices - need volunteer
Sodas - need volunteer


Grilled Veggies - need volunteer
Tossed Salad & dressing - need volunteer

Main Course:

Turkey & fryer - Ab Diver
Turkey - Surfcal to pitch in (need a partner to pickup)
Turkey & 2 fryers - 6Quigs
Marinated tri-tip - need a couple of volunteers
Spaghetti with home-made sauce, SNPA, & Juices - Red Barchetta
Baked or Mashed Potatoes - need volunteers
Stuffing - need volunteer
Gravy - need volunteer
Potato Salad - need volunteer
Candied yams - need volunteer
Rolls - need volunteer
Corn - need volunteer
Fresh green beans - need volunteer
Cranberry sauce - need volunteers


Ice cream - need volunteer
Pumpkin pies - need volunteers
Apple pies - need volunteers

Hardware for the main kitchen area:

Stoves - need volunteers
Coolers and ice - Surfcal + (need volunteers)
Tunes (boombox) - need volunteers
Lanterns - need volunteers
Garbage bags - need volunteers

Last but not least, cleanup is a community acitivity!  It is good for the soul.

Well, there you go.  That's my suggested list.


Ray -
You're gone my friend.  The corporate world has swallowed you up!  Next thing you're going to have 2 kids, a home in the burb's, & soccer and baseball schedules to worry about.  If you show up in a motorhome with your turkey in the oven I will know you have been "gotten to".

Seriously, that is some list.  Makes our (ok, Amy's) spaghetti look very un-Thanksgiving like, lol.  I ain't budging though cause it's one of the reasons we're still married.  Wait til you taste the sauce.  You can even eat it without the pasta.  It's more like a stew.

I've got a case of beer and plenty of juices for the kids covered.  Put me down for paper plates too ("big dinner ones and dessert").

This is where I know you have lost it;
Nick & Sammy Slave between them have every stove, grill, pot, pan, spatula, tongs, DO, blender, lantern, table, etc... that was ever invented for the camp kitchen area.
I do agree that more help could happen with clean-up though.

Tania -
Amy just emptied a coffee can last week so unfortunately she is not scheduled to empty another one for 16.3 days.



Someone else has to keep updating the list.  I am gone, out of town for the next week to right before the rally.  By the end of this slew of trips, I will be in Manhattan for the 3rd time this year.

Thanks man,


P.S.  When I am out of town, I am reduced to dialing-up, unless the hotel has broadband.  Poor me.


Quote from: NickNeff/Jeff -
Whats the best way to go if I leave S'vale around 11:45AM?

Hope to pull the kids from school at High Noon on friday, and leave then.
I plan on heading north on 280, and then take 1 through San Francisco, over the Golden Gate, and then 101 north.

I tried following Neff's directions on a map, but kept getting lost :confused:
QuoteFrom Santa Rosa I would take the River Rd. exit off of Hwy. 101 and head west (over 101) on River Rd.. In Guerneville (there is a Safeway here), River Rd. becomes Hwy. 116. Continue on Hwy. 116 (west) to Duncans Mills. *Be sure to stay to the right on Hwy. 116 as you go through the town (blink of an eye) of Monte Rio. This is the easiest (especially for towing) route from Santa Rosa.
*This is about 24 miles and takes about 35 minutes.

From Marin county &/or Petaluma (Sonoma county) take Hwy. 101 north to Cotati. From Cotati I would take Hwy. 116 to Sebastopol (there is a Safeway here) and then turn left onto Bodega Hwy.. This will take you through the town of Bodega (where "The Birds" was filmed) where it will end at Hwy. 1. Turn right (north) on to Hwy. 1 (through Bodega Bay) to Hwy. 116. Turn right on to Hwy. 116. Continue on Hwy. 116 (east) to Duncans Mills. This is the easiest (especially for towing) route from Cotati.
**If Hwy. 101 is moving along nicely as you approach Cotati then you might consider continuing on Hwy. 101 to Santa Rosa and then heading west on Hwy. 12 towards Sebastopol. Hwy 12 in Sebastopol turns into Bodega Hwy..
*This is about 30 miles and takes about 45 minutes.

Not so sure, heading north on 101, am I supposed to take
116 ?
12 or ?
River Road ?



I got an email from Larry and they are not going to be able to make it.  I will still have a canopy, table, kitchen and stove.


Quote from: SurfcalWell, not to be into "lists," but if we are to have a complete dinner for Saturday night without having redundancy, I suggest the following ideas...  So, here goes:
Holy guacamole, you guys!  Your Southern cousins are having a little rally this weekend, and it looks like we might be breaking new ground by having a potluck in the true sense of the word.  (Has that ever happened before?)
 Have fun with your rally! :)

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: 6QuigsHope to pull the kids from school at High Noon on friday, and leave then.
I plan on heading north on 280, and then take 1 through San Francisco, over the Golden Gate, and then 101 north.

I tried following Neff's directions on a map, but kept getting lost :confused:

Not so sure, heading north on 101, am I supposed to take
116 ?
12 or ?
River Road ?

Kevin & Mike -
I'm guessing you would both be hitting Petaluma on Hwy. 101 around 2:30 or so.  Too late to go through (to River Rd.) or even up to ( to Hwy. 12) Santa Rosa.  I think you should take Hwy. 116 in Cotati towards Sebastopol.  Cotati is after Petaluma (& a large hill on Hwy. 101) and about 7 miles south of Santa Rosa right before you get to Rohnert Park.  This will take you through Bodega Bay on Hwy. 1 with the ocean out your drivers side window.

I just did a quick search on Yahoo maps starting in Petaluma and ending in Duncans Mills and it gave directions through the town of Graton.  This is a very confusing route and I've lived her a long time!  I don't recommend trying that way especially if it is getting near dusk.  Lots of country roads with missing signs.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickI got an email from Larry and they are not going to be able to make it.  I will still have a canopy, table, kitchen and stove.
Bummer!  They will be missed!!

I'll move Zymomyz into the group a little more (out of site 25) when I have time later tonight.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SurfcalNeff...

Someone else has to keep updating the list.  I am gone, out of town for the next week to right before the rally.  By the end of this slew of trips, I will be in Manhattan for the 3rd time this year.

Thanks man,


P.S.  When I am out of town, I am reduced to dialing-up, unless the hotel has broadband.  Poor me.
Haha!  Nice try.
I admit I'm into lists, but not to the point you are Mr. Man.  I guess as a "survivalist" you need to take stock of your belongings and what you have at your disposal, huh?
A list of potluck food is good enough for me so if people want to start popping-in and mentioning what they would like to bring I'll add it to the list.

Travel safely and we'll have a beer soon!