Self-service Negative Bouyancy Rally II, Jan. 16.17 & 18

Started by Surfcal, Dec 06, 2003, 09:26 PM

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Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaHolly -
Would you bring me a 6-pack of Sudwerk to Chabot?
I will pay you for it there.
The local guy here that carried it, doesn't carry it anymore!  Guess I was the only one who knew about it, lol.

Can and will do. Pete likes the Marzen, but maybe you would like the lager (Helles) or pilsner better?  Oh yeah, I think they have a chick beer (hefe weizen) and also some sort of holiday brew.  
Let me know your favorite flavor.
Next time you are cruising I-80, stop by and we will meet you at Sudwerk.


Don't forget that there is also Nick beer that he might make.  Nonetheless, I will bring some from the 21st Amendment.


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Hybrid HollyJeff-
Can and will do. Pete likes the Marzen, but maybe you would like the lager (Helles) or pilsner better?  Oh yeah, I think they have a chick beer (hefe weizen) and also some sort of holiday brew.  
Let me know your favorite flavor.
Next time you are cruising I-80, stop by and we will meet you at Sudwerk.
Holly -
I like the Marzen.  Ever since you & Pete brought us some I have been hooked.  My friends & I even stopped by Sudwerk at 9:30 last Friday morning on our way to Sugarbowl and picked some up.  We had to bang on the front door, but eventually a guy came out and sold us some, lol.
It is now my second favorite behind SNPA.
Thanks again!  I'll pay you back at Chabot.


Hi this is me Otter, unrecognizable by the system yet again.  
Oh well, I


Quote from: UnregisteredHi this is me Otter, unrecognizable by the system yet again.  
Oh well, I


Quote from: SurfcalDear Unregistered, oh it's you Otter:

I will give you my spot.  I am a dry camper anyway, so no need for me to have any hookups.  Plus, I will eat at Nick's anyway, so all is well.

I'll sign up for another site first thing in the morning.

Dear Dry camper:  and true NNCer  You gave your spot away last year...  lets wait and see if someone cancels. There is always a dry camp available you shouldn't have to reserve one just yet.  Maybe we can work something out.  If you just bring the truck we could share a spot even.  I do thank you for the offer and will certainly accept. Thanks for the heads up on this the other day too.  We jsut couldn't get our schedules straight til today.  
Lon had a great time and is still thinking in Spanish which makes communication a bit slow.  I'll whip him into shape by Cachuma tho.  
Thanks my friend.  

Red neff Barchetta

No worries anyone.  Whoever dry camps (if anyone does) will be well taken care of.  Every PU & Hybrid coming will most likely have at least 1 battery on the tongue that can be used for the dry camper.  Plus, if someone brings a charger then any batteries can be properly charged at one of the hook-up sites.
Again, I can always bring my generator if needed, but I don't think that will be the case with all of the potential fully charged batteries around.  We can send the dry camper home each night with a car load of charged batteries.   :)
Remember one of the NNC moto's;
"No one will ever go hungry, cold, sober, or sad (at least for very long) at a NNC rally."


Since this rally is Wagonmaster-less, who do I complain to if I've been involuntarily ousted?  I know I called and reserved a site...I even paid for it!!  But on the NNC website, my name is conspicuously missing from the list of attending NNCers :(  Are you trying to tell me something Mike???
CA-girl (Site 10) :D

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Ca-girlSince this rally is Wagonmaster-less, who do I complain to if I've been involuntarily ousted?  I know I called and reserved a site...I even paid for it!!  But on the NNC website, my name is conspicuously missing from the list of attending NNCers :(  Are you trying to tell me something Mike???
CA-girl (Site 10) :D
I called yesterday afternoon and received my confirmation packet today (afternoon) in the mail!  It was almost too quick, lol.  Twilight Zone-ish.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaI called yesterday afternoon and received my confirmation packet today (afternoon) in the mail! It was almost too quick, lol. Twilight Zone-ish.
Oh sure...rub it in, Jeff.  I knew that nice-guy "'s it goin'?  Good to see you!" stuff was just an act all along.  It's going to take at LEAST two or three of your new Sudwerk beers for me to fall for THAT again! :cool:


Quote from: Ca-girlOh sure...rub it in, Jeff. I knew that nice-guy "'s it goin'? Good to see you!" stuff was just an act all along. It's going to take at LEAST two or three of your new Sudwerk beers for me to fall for THAT again! :cool:
I just updated the webpage to include you, so now I get a Sudwerk.:D

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaHolly -
I like the Marzen.  Ever since you & Pete brought us some I have been hooked.  My friends & I even stopped by Sudwerk at 9:30 last Friday morning on our way to Sugarbowl and picked some up.  We had to bang on the front door, but eventually a guy came out and sold us some, lol.
It is now my second favorite behind SNPA.
Thanks again!  I'll pay you back at Chabot.

...and next time you stop in Davis on your way to Sugarbowl, take me with you!


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Ca-girlOh sure...rub it in, Jeff.  I knew that nice-guy "'s it goin'?  Good to see you!" stuff was just an act all along.  It's going to take at LEAST two or three of your new Sudwerk beers for me to fall for THAT again! :cool:
Tania -
LOL!  I wasn't RR'ing you, but anytime I can do it without trying is damn good needling if you ask me.   :D
Glad you'll be there to share a drink with!
Btw, did your confirmation arrive today?  Anyone else?
I was serious about how weird it was that I received it so quickly.

Cough -
Did you hook up with Manuel today (from the NNC-Yahoo site)?  Is he signed up for Chabot?


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaTania -
LOL! I wasn't RR'ing you, but anytime I can do it without trying is damn good needling if you ask me. :D
Glad you'll be there to share a drink with!
Btw, did your confirmation arrive today? Anyone else?
I was serious about how weird it was that I received it so quickly.
Cough -
Did you hook up with Manuel today (from the NNC-Yahoo site)? Is he signed up for Chabot?
I did receive my confirmation, and I'm now officially attending (you know it's not really true until you see it on the NNC website).  I will share a drink with you, but apparently we have to also share it with Nick. I'll bring the dixie cups, blender, and prune juice to mix with his Marzen so he can get a "taste" of the Falling Turkeys rally ;)