"Call Of The Wild" NON-rally join if you like w/e, April 16 - 18

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 31, 2004, 07:08 PM

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Quote from: ChampWhat's on the list for the potlucks?

I'm going to bring a few tamales that I bought off the tamales lady last evening.


Only 8 days to go till we go camping. :)

Can't wait to meet everyone again :cool:


Just heading out the door, should be their in about three hours. Everyone have a safe weekend. :)


Truck is loaded and Max is on his way to the kennel. We should be out of here within the hour.


Boy it's very quiet here,

you'd think the rally was this weekend, not next weekend!! :rolleyes:


Quote from: 6QuigsBoy it's very quiet here,
you'd think the rally was this weekend, not next weekend!! :rolleyes:
I just heard a pin drop!

Red neff Barchetta

Whew!  What a tough drive home.   :D
As always, what a great rally - kids, adults, food, drink, conversation, etc...!!!!!
Great newbies and oldies alike.  Rain held off until this morning too.   :mad:

Hope everyone had an un-eventful ride home.  We really enjoy this group and are always bummed when Sunday morning arrives.  See some of you in Yosemite (our next rally).   :)

Some quick thoughts -
Z's DW, DD, & friend showing up!  Z's MANY SPUT's (including his bent faucet).   :eek:   Z's cool battery monitor, but more than that, his cool LED display on his battery box on the PU tongue.  Pretty spooky when your walking past his site at night!
Quigs making it even for just one night!!   :)   You guys are amazing!  Hope your schedule gets a little more stable Kevin.
Nick's great family, and more family, and more family, ..........  If Nick's DS doesn't bring a smile to your face then I don't know what would.
Loretta & Darth RV'ers awesome families!!  Glad you guys have joined this crazy group.
Ray and his producing skills & terrific laughter & humor!
SCCS' record-breaking popping-down and his awesome new water pump & generator.
Btw, although the 3 generators did run for a bit this w/e (only to show them off and top-off a battery while being showed off), not one was really needed.  This is a great dry-camping group!!
Ray, Champ, & Z stirring up the ranger's a bit.  Good job guys!!  Champ waking up Ray with the subtle sounds of puking.
Champ disappointing his DW by drinking too much Friday night and not being in a very romantic state the rest of the w/e.  But then he repaired the damage by taking her to lunch on Saturday at the winery he proposed to her at in Napa.  Nice recovery Dave!
Sacto's and their cool new Hybrid - very nice!  Glad you guys made it!  Can't wait to get some baby news soon.
Great hikes, rides, sky observing, & just plain fun.

That's it for now.  I'll check back later.  Can't believe we won't see some of you for 4 months!   :(


We had a great time with the NCCNEPHCOFF'ers and the newbies too.  Any chance that someone found Conor Q's glasses?  Conor says he left them in Darth RVer's van watching a movie or on his bike while he was putting on his helmet, HELP!!!!  I hope someone has found them.  If so please let us know.

Thanks :confused:



We had a great time and it was good to see everybody again, and meet some of the new and newer members whom we had not previously met.

The hybrid is sleeping safely in its storage spot...a little dirty on the outside, but clean on the inside.
I noticed my WD hitch was groaning quite a bit around turns. Seems like it needs some lubrication. Anyone wish to confirm or have any other thoughts on the subject?
Well, a great "dry" rally Jeff. Unfortunately, we probably won't be attending any more rallies for a while...our last trip out will be to Monterey in two weeks then the hybrid will be retired for several months.


Quote from: 6QuigsAny chance that someone found Conor Q's glasses?  Conor says he left them in Darth RVer's van watching a movie or on his bike while he was putting on his helmet, HELP!!!!  



Jonathan had fun playing with Conor.  I just searched our TV and did not come up with any glasses, sorry.   Deanna will keep her eyes open as it

Red neff Barchetta

Margaret -
Sorry to hear about his glasses.   :(   We can't think of anywhere else we saw them except for on his face.  Bummer.  Hope you locate them.  If someone in the group found them at least you know they'll turn up.

Brian -
You might try a piece of wax paper on the WD hitch ball.  I use a piece on our hitch ball and there is no more groaning.   :)   Works for me and it's clean.

Gary -
Glad you guys made it.  Hope to see you again!  See you on PUX.

Amy is sad she head to leave so quickly this morning, but unfortunately our DS still has a fever.   :(
Well, the PU is popped back up in the warehouse drying out (this was the 3rd. time popping-up since Thursday night as we had to change sites Friday morning).  I'll pop it back down tomorrow as the PU & TV go into the shop on Tuesday for their annual spring tune-up's, bearing pack, tire & brake inspection, etc...  MacKerricher SP (Fort Bragg) is our next destination.   :)

Now it's on to the pile of work here.   :(
Glad to see everyone starting to check-in.


Call off the search party.
The galsses have been found.
Although his bedding had been searched twice, third time was a charm, and there they were, bundled up in his blanket.

Anyone ever see the movie "The Borrowers"?

Looks like we have a family of them moved into the trailer :rolleyes:


We'll we made it home to with no surprises. Glad to see everyone again and to meet the newbies. We had a great time,all the campfire stories were great.But it was a little cold with the wind blowing.Will post the pictures in a little bit. Still got to pop down the popup after drying a bit.


Back home too and the drive home was uneventful.

Another Surfcal Editoral:

It is nice to be back rallying with the NNCers.  I guess I can speak with command since I was at the first ever rally.  But the fun and spirit of NNC continues.  It's amazing how the group continues to remain intact, despite the fact that at every rally there are less and less of the early members attending.

The group continues to operate because of the members that have joined along the way and the infusion of new ones.  And, I'd have to say we continue to attract quality members.  Every rally has an infinite combination of members, and of variable size, but the founding principles of getting together, having fun, eating lots of food, imbibing and building a small village overnight and getting disciplined by the authorities, are all qualities that seem to maintain the personality of all our rallies into one constant continuum.

Let's keep the voluminous amount of food coming, the children in playful bliss, the drinks flowing abundantly, the unabated laughter resonating across the grounds to the envy of others and the energy of constant scheduling of rallies, near & far, large and small.  It is for the good of all NNCers.

It was once againg great camping with you all, to reconnect with old friends and to meet new ones.  Thanks for all the laughs.



Hope everyone made it home safely!  We were pretty happy to get back in time to see Sacramento beat Dallas!  Go Kings!

What a great weekend!  Thanks for the friendly welcome.  You are all a wonderful group of people and we look forward to our next rally.  It was especially nice to see the kids playing together so well!  The bike ride and creek were definitely highlights for them!

Missed you this morning. Sorry to hear about your DS.  Hope he feels better!  

Loretta & Mike