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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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gsm x2

 NickRay---$38.00 and my you can use
 Looking forward to seeing how this works.

Chez Way

QuoteWe even have THREE, SoCal groups coming. I ve met them all and they will all fit in wonderfully.
 Jeanne, Bill, whatcha think about fitting in wonderfully with this group? Either the NNCers are a bit tamer IRL than they are on the boards, or... we are insane! Bwahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!  

 So does this mean we get to be members of NNC (So Cal division)?  I can play a mean kazoo and have been known to throw a decent bocce ball (right Patricia?) I still haven t purchased my Dutch oven, though.  I was so inspired after oldmoose s contributions at the potluck for the Casitas rally, maybe I ll have one for El Chorro.  Only problem is that I will have to use one of oldmoose s recipes (maybe he won t recognize it if I make it?) hee hee.
 So, Scott, the check was sent on Monday.  I m hoping that you got it by now.
 We are off to Campland in San Diego this weekend.  Looks like it will be our first trip in the of those hybrids is sounding pretty good about now!

gsm x2

 Chez Way
QuoteSo does this mean we get to be members of NNC (So Cal division)? I can play a mean kazoo and have been known to throw a decent bocce ball (right Patricia?)

 Jeanne---absolutipositively.  Jacqui and Randy had such a good time with the NNC crowd that they joined right back up on the boards so they could hang around with their new found friends.
 Rain this weekend???  I think not.  So far in Ventura we have had perfect rain....started at 2:00 a.m. and had rained the 1/2 inch by 7:00, so it stopped.  Windy though.  Weather report shows the storm coming from the South.  If this is a tropical influence storm, I would hate to see one coming from the North.
 gsm x2

Chez Way

QuoteRain this weekend??? I think not. So far in Ventura we have had perfect rain....started at 2:00 a.m. and had rained the 1/2 inch by 7:00, so it stopped. Windy though. Weather report shows the storm coming from the South. If this is a tropical influence storm, I would hate to see one coming from the North.

 Well it must be a southern storm because it has been raining here on and off all day and it is coming down pretty hard right now.  I guess the climate in Ventura is a bit balmier than the San Fernando Valley. [:)]


 Chez Way
QuoteSo does this mean we get to be members of NNC (So Cal division)? I can play a mean kazoo and have been known to throw a decent bocce ball (right Patricia?)

 I think we re Sick-Neff-Coughers.  Bring on that bocce ball!  I ll roll it up the tree trunk like last time.  (No, wasn t even aiming for the tree.  Didn t even know it was there.  Bwahahahaha!!!)  [&:]

gsm x2

 NickI m going to call Wednesday and make THE FINAL PAYMENT.  If you want to join us at El Chorro, please e-mail me right away.

gsm x2

 gsm x2Payment made today.  Twelve spots; twelve groups attending.  Can I guess these or not?
 gsm x2


 gsm x2Kudos to whoever thought up a Meet-In-The-Middle Rally.  I just checked MapQuest for Plymouth and S. Lake Tahoe.  7 and 9 hours away respectively.  [:(]   SLO s 2-1/2 hours happily pale in comparison.  Amen!

gsm x2

 gsm x2There have been at least four families who have said, " We are thinking of coming to the San Luis Obispo Rally."   I say, " Good, the more the merrier."
 I do need some help though.  Would you please e-mail me, to let me know that you are coming ASAP?  I need to contact El Chorro Park and let them know that we need more spaces, and I d like to tell them how many more.
 I ll call them on Friday, so please get back to me before then.

The Memory Maker

 gsm x2
 count us as a 100% maybe!
 There are a few things that we need to clear up before we can give you a clear answer.  
well as it turns out, we won t be able to make this rally afterall.
 I am only able to get off 1 weekend the entire month of April (outside of Easter) and we need to celebrate our 8th anniversary. And although we wouldn t mind spending it camping, we consider this " our"  celebration i.e. no kids ( and camping now wouldn t be same w/o them)

gsm x2

 The Memory Maker{{{{{Scott}}}}}
 Anniversaries alone.  That s a good reason for missing a rally.  Enjoy.
 Hmmm,  I hope this isn t just knee jerk reaction to not getting interviewed by Ray.  As long as Ray didn t interview CWB, it should be OK.
 Oh oh--Ray did interview CWB.  Now I am very suspicious of the REAL REASON MM isn t coming.
 Does anyone know for how many years the Hatfield and McCoy Feud went on?  I know that by the end, neither family knew why it started.  It was probably flamed by the neighbors that had nothing to do with it. Anyone know different.  If not, then my version survives.
 gsm x2

The Memory Maker

 gsm x2FYI:
 Devil Anse Hatfield forms guerrilla band. Raids and thefts follow between McCoy s and Hatfields.  
 First death in feud -- Asa Harmon McCoy. No prosecution.  
 Randolph McCoy accuses Floyd Hatfield of stealing his pig. Bill Staton s testimony in court later wins for Floyd Hatfield.  
 Bill Staton murdered by Paris and Sam McCoy in June. Sam McCoy tried in September for Staton death; acquitted. Roseanna McCoy and Johnse Hatfield meet. She leaves to live with him at Hatfield cabin.
 Roseanna returns home, then moves to aunt s cabin where Johnse is captured by McCoy boys. Roseanna s ride to Devil Anse s saves Johnse s life. Pregnant Roseanna returns to Ole Ran l s home, catches measles, miscarries baby, then moves to Pikeville. Johnse marries Nancy McCoy on May 14.
 Ellison Hatfield fatally wounded by Bud, Tolbert and Pharmer McCoy on August 9. After Hatfield dies, the trio is tied to bushes and executed.  

gsm x2

 gsm x2Scott--thanks for the details.  Hope you and CWB can maintain the truce.  I d take it to the U.N. but they seem to have their hands full right about now.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteALL RIGHT---we have twelve of twelve spots spoken for.
 gsm x2 and g-whiz, cottonwooder, sammyslave, otter, Nick, Lute & Bonny, Dave, and Rick and Bea, memorymaker, surfcal, Chezway and Moose.

 Time to bump this to the top for a bit of fresh air.  Is that the current listing, or has it since changed?

gsm x2

 gsm x2WoodyCotton,
 List is accurate, but we actually have an empty space now that Great Scott needed to cancel.  I am certain that we will fill it.