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RE: April Rally

Started by 6Quigs, Jan 22, 2003, 03:57 PM

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 gsm x2
QuoteList is accurate, but we actually have an empty space now that Great Scott needed to cancel. I am certain that we will fill it.

 Who is " Great Scott" ???  Is that TMM?  And now we have " Great Scott"  and " The Original Scott" ?  Do we have a plain ol  regular " Scott" ?  (Can answer all in one post.  [;)])
 And funny you should mention having a space to fill, because I received an e-mail today from Tracy (TracyandDavid from Casitas, remember?) asking if we re going to the Gold Rush rally.  I said no, asked if she was aware about SLO, and gave her your e-mail address if she wants info.


Quoteasking if we re going to the Gold Rush rally. I said no,

 Find a way to make it or kiss your dancing " Welcome"  sign good bye! [:o][:o][;)][;)][8D][8D]


QuoteFind a way to make it or kiss your dancing " Welcome"  sign good bye!

 Is that a threat?  Have I just been threatened???  I won t stand for that.  Let me speak to the Gold Rush wagonmaster at once!  (Oh dear, that won t do me any good.)
 How about you come on down to SLO or I won t send you any more goodies for the Website?!!??  [:@][:)][: (][;)][:@]

gsm x2

QuoteWho is " Great Scott" ???

 The Memory Maker.
 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteIs that TMM?

 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteAnd now we have " Great Scott"  and " The Original Scott" ?

 Yes--apparently so.  I was getting very confused when people would write:
 I would be half way through the post before I realized that it was " The other Scott" , who would be TOS, which would be easily confused with " The Original Scott" , so I will gladly refer to The Other Scott was " Great Scott"  to keep people from writing,
 TOS to refer to him
 The Original Scott

gsm x2

QuoteDo we have a plain ol  regular " Scott" ?

 Yes and no.

gsm x2

Quote(TracyandDavid from Casitas, remember?)

 Yes, I remember them, but apparently don t remember that they have children.
 Do you remember their children???


 CottonwooderHe did it again, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
 And TOS is supposed to be man of such few words that he had nothing to say for the video camera?  I ll believe that when I see it!


 gsm x2
QuoteDo you remember their children???

 Their Allison (big blue-grey eyes, remember?) and our Rebecca hit it off immediately and were inseperable at Casitas.  Allison has a brother, too.  If they join us at SLO, we ll HAVE to camp next to each other.

gsm x2

Quoteand our Rebecca hit it off immediately and were inseperable at Casitas

 You have children???  Hmm, yes I seem to remember.  Two, right???  Daughters???  I seem to think that one walks and one rolls.


 gsm x2Hey G-whiz
 Is it still possible to get in on the SLO rally?  I tried to e-mail you but it came back.


 StimpyHi Penny & Craig,
 Let us know which day you will be arriving and we will save you a site.  GSM x2 doesn t think it will be a problem at all.  I don t have a clue why my e-mail didn t work as I seem to be receiving okay.  I ll test it out, tho, just to be on the safe side.  Thanks for the heads up!


 gsm x2I have already been communicating with the great Wagonmaster of this event...
 I declare, I am " pulling a Sacto"  on this one.
 I do break from the precedent that whenever Sacto " pulled a Sacto,"  he had good reason.  I don t have one.
 In my place will be the Stimpy group.


 gsm x2Are we having a potluck Saturday night? From a Southern nick-neff-cough or less northern nick-neff-cough.