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RE: Can We Change Titles Here Too?

Started by Cottonwooder, Mar 07, 2003, 11:22 AM

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 CottonwooderOh, and BTW, Flip![:D]


QuoteOh, and BTW, Flip!

 Hey, that s my job!  [:@]
 This must be how TOS felt when I answered a computer question.  ::::muttering under breath:::: [8D]


 CottonwooderI m truly sorry--I didn t mean to usurp your official NNC duties, but I just couldn t help myself!!![:D]


QuoteI m truly sorry--I didn t mean to usurp your official NNC duties, but I just couldn t help myself!!!

 Oh man, this rookie is good.  Sacto, whatcha think?


QuoteHonorary Members:

 Doing an excellent job of maintaing the list Ray.
 I nominate Sumguy as an Honorary Member also!!!


QuoteOh man, this rookie is good. Sacto, whatcha think?

 I don t know, she s kinda.......nice. She doesn t have quite the edginess you have in some of your posts. She s kinda bubbly. But surfer chicks are definitely cool. I m glad to see you defending your turf, though. But it looks like you need to pull out your " A"  game,  cause you ve only got your B- game going. More people are turning the pages than you. [;)]
 It doesn t matter anyway. You all are going to form your own club after your May rally and then our Rabble Rousing threads are going to be ghost towns. [:(][:(][;)].
 BTW, I m giving the CampingCoxes the full-court press via e-mail in recruiting them to the Gold Rush rally. They re going to be in Tahoe the week before, leave on Friday the 20th drive right past us and NOT come to the rally. HELLO!!! So maybe you can........." persuade"  them at your May rally [;)][;)].

OC Campers

 griffsmomBrian-we will work on the CamingCoxes at the Malibu RV mini rally for you.  We will wear them down till they bow down and say " gold rush rally, gold rush rally"
 Ok guys, I  just have to know who has the time to sit there and count posts so you know when to flip the page??? [:D][:D].   I barely have time to go to the bathroom, let alone count posts.  Patricia, come on you already have a by-law named after you, throw Griff s mom a bone and let her at least turn 1 page.[:)][:)]

OC Campers

 griffsmomBTW--thanks Surfcal for updating my status to " active"   I feel much better now.  [;)]


 OC Campers
QuotePatricia, come on you already have a by-law named after you, throw Griff s mom a bone and let her at least turn 1 page.

 Well, according to Sacto there, I m letting too many flip pages behind my back.  But hey, gotta let the rest of you experience the thrill too, eh?  
 So, Jacqui, what bylaw are you going to create?


 griffsmomNo problem Jacqui:
 And I had to bump myself down to Occasional.  I ve been busy and I can feel that I m going to get busier.
 I m on the verge of " Pulling another Sacto"  for Snug Harbor.  I might have to fly to the East Coast to visit several cities again for work.


 Honorary Members:
 Doing an excellent job of maintaing the list Ray.
 I nominate Sumguy as an Honorary Member also!!!

 Gosh, I didn t even notice till now that Ray updates that same list at the start of this thread.  Silly me has been looking for new lists to be posted periodically.
 Are those three people -- GeneF -- really joining NNC?


QuoteI m on the verge of " Pulling another Sacto"  for Snug Harbor.

 Surf, not that I was planning to go to Snug, but you re abandoning us at SLO.  When are we ever going to meet you??? [:(]


QuoteI m on the verge of " Pulling another Sacto"  for Snug Harbor.  I might have to fly to the East Coast to visit several cities again for work.

 Translation: He s jet-setting with Hollywood celebrities.

Red neff Barchetta

 griffsmomApparently he finds ebay big wigs with deep pockets more useful than us.


 OC Campers
QuoteORIGINAL:  OC Campers
 Ok guys, I  just have to know who has the time to sit there and count posts so you know when to flip the page???
20 posts per page, all I ve ever done is look at how many replies there are to a topic, and just make sure I m number 20, 40, 60, 80 or whatever