RE: Nick-Neff-Cough website (Northern California)

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 15, 2003, 01:50 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I did not accidentally save his butt.  I know that for sure because I was gunning for him to slide into becoming a thread killer until G-Whiz entered under Guest.

 Oh, so you save him on purpose!  I wouldn t have a clue as to how to enter under the guise of a guest.  So, if it wasn t you then, pray tell, why were you signed in as guest over there in the other thread???  That is mighty peculiar if you ask me.

 Larry the Chef is also posting as Guest.

 Is this FACT, or hearsay?


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteI wouldn t have a clue as to how to enter under the guise of a guest.

 See the " Log Out"  up there, top right?  Click on it.  Or have your  puter be like my  puter, and it ll toss its cookies.  Boom, you re back to Guest-hood!
 BTW, how s Rocky today?  Solidifying his bond with you?

 Well, no wonder I don t disguise myself as guest.  I HATE tossing my cookies. [: (]
 Didn t you hear about Rocky?  She went for a swim in the slough and never returned.  [:(]

gsm x2

QuoteIf you click the envelope next to the DUDE in the block where your name is <= over there, on G-whiz s post it will send it right to her email address. Isn t technology wonderful....sorry TOS, I soaw an opening and I jumped on it.

 I wasn t offended that you would take away my duties as " Minor Computer Guru."   But notice what a can of worms it opened? LandL I always say.
 gsm x2

QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Larry the Chef is also posting as Guest.

 Is this FACT, or hearsay?

 Hearsay. Ha!
 I can t believe that Sacto hasn t figured me out yet.
 Maybe if he attended more Rallies, Ha
 chat to y all tonight
 Crispy Chicken Fanny


 g-whizGuest hides behind anonymity.  Griffsmom has been scared off this thread.  Well, heck, I m brave, I can take the heat.  I ll save this thread cos I LIKE the Website, I like this thread (whether it s labeled " Top"  or not), and I ll even admit to liking Sacto.  
 Don t tell him, though, or he ll get a big head.  (On the other hand, tell him.  He ll let his guard down, thinking I like him too much to RR him.  Then I ll yank the rug out from under him at just the right moment.)    }:->


 g-whizWow, Sactocampers is the fastest Web-updater in my opinion.  G-Whiz is already on the Website as the Official NNC Documentarian.  No red tape, no soon as the seconds came in she was entered.
 If you notice, every time we hold a Rally, the very next day, the Website is updated.  So I just wanted to give Sacto some recognition for a continual job well done.
 Hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray.

gsm x2

 SurfcalAbsolutively---Sacto and Nick keep that site sailing.  Great job guys.


QuoteWow, Sactocampers is the fastest Web-updater in my opinion.

 See?  Told ya I like the Website AND Sacto.  [:)]


 CottonwooderSince Surfcal didn t know about it, it s possible many others don t either. Just want to let everyone know again that we have a photo album webpage set up (there s a navigation button at the top of the screen) where all of your webshots links from the rallies have been posted. This area is password protected so you can post pictures of kids.
 If you don t know the username and password to this section, send me or Nick a private mail (click on the white caption above my name to the left) and we can give it to you. It s nice having all of the pictures consolidated into one location so you don t have to go looking back through each rally s thread to find a particular picture you like or to relive that rally.


 g-whizAlso remember if you have a favorite campground to go to the review section and enter it.

 g-whizHello Everyone,
 I just found out about the Nick-Neff-Cough group from someone on the HybridRV list on Yahoo.  We are new owners (1 month) of a 2003 Tahoe Lite 19DT hybrid and have already been camping 3 times in it.  Well the 3rd time (this weekend was quite short due to mechanical failure of our van!)  We are a family of 5 with 3 boys under 9.  We ve been looking for other camping familes to go camping with.  We live about 3 hours north of Sacramento.  If our van wasn t in the shop we would come to the rally this weekend - it sounds like lots of fun!!
 So, is the PUT forum where you do most of your talking or do you use Yahoo or something else?  I m just trying to decide if I really need to " subscribe"  to PUT....
 I look forward to meeting/chatting with all of you!
 Michelle (pcmom)
 2003 Tahoe Lite 19DT
 2001 GMC Safari
 P.S.  We bought my husband, Steve, a 12 volt blender for Father s day - sounds like we might fit in with those margarita nights!
 P.S.S.  I read somewhere on the forum that the ice cream coffee can rolling didn t go over so well, I have another food suggestion:  
 Banana Slug Sundaes - take a banana, peel 1 section back but not off, scoop out most of the banana, fill with chocolate chips and mini-marshmallows, put peel back over top, wrap banana in foil, put over campfire or in dutch oven.  Heat till banana is warm and chocolate and marshmallows are melted.  Eat with spoon - yummy!    We did this at a junior ranger program at Patricks Point last year.


 GuestHi Michelle,
 Welcome to NNC, the best place for camping families in California.
 Yes, this is where we do most of our communicating, and you can log in as Guest for a while, till you become addicted, and then sign up[;)].
 Just jump right in on any topic.
 Most of us have camped together, so enjoy all the rabble rousing on the boards,
 We are all here just to have fun.
 Sorry to hear about your Safari, and I like the new Tow Vehicle in the photos.
 I ve always wondered what we would do if we had a breakdown & needed a tow when camping.
 Any way you could borrow or rent (or steal) a tow vehicle for the weekend so you could get to meet all of us at Gold Rush???
 If not there are a few other rallies planned for this summer where you can meet everyone.
 How does the Safari handle towing the Tahoe Lite?
 My wife was looking at a hardside trailer parked beside us last weekend, and My excuse was our Safari could not handle the weight of a travel trailer....

gsm x2

 g-whizWelcome PC mom.
 In my objective and unbiased opinion, Nick-Neff-Cough is the best camping group there is, followed closely by SCCampers, which is really just the " Least Northern Extension"  of Nick-Neff-Cough.
 Hope to meet you soon.  We ll be at the Get Luck by the Lake Rally in September.
 gsm x2

 6QuigsHello 6Quigs,
 I couldn t resist taking the tow vehicle pictures.  Luckily, we have a good service manager at the dealership.  He had the tow truck tow up a rental car to us.  We should know more tomorrow on the damage this time.  We just replaced the rear-end and only had it for 3 days when it went out again Friday night!  Other than that, we ve had great luck with the Safari s (this is our 2nd one).  As for towing, we did install a tranny cooler and put LT tires on the van.  When the rear-end was replaced, we had the taller 3.73 gears put in.  On the trip this weekend, the van seemed to do quite well - we went to Trinity Lake.  Our trailer dry is 3200lbs, fully loaded with water is about 4200 - 4500 lbs.  Our tow capacity is 5500lbs.  We bought our Tahoe Lite trailer at in San Jose.  They had good prices compared to what we could get here at home.
 As for using anothe tow vehicle for this weekend, we do have a rental Ford Expedition that pulls the trailer just fine - except for there is no brake controller and we would rather not adjust our weight distributing hitch to fit the Ford since we would really need this hitch so that we could use the sway bar.
 We are thinking about the Yosemite Rally in August, but that is the weekend before school starts.  Don t know if we want to make that drive home on Sunday and have tired kids for the first day of school :-)  So, we may just have to wait and come to the Tahoe Rally!
 Michelle (pcmom)
 2003 Tahoe Lite 19DT
 2001 GMC Safari

 gsm x2Hello gsm x2,
 We may see you at the Tahoe Rally in September - it sounds like lots of fun.  The kids may welcome the break since they will have been in school a month by then.
 Michelle (pcmom)
 2003 Tahoe Lite 19DT
 2001 GMC Safari