RE: Nick-Neff-Cough website (Northern California)

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 15, 2003, 01:50 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Go ahead. I triple dog dare you.[:)]

 Yeow!! The breach of protocol and STRAIGHT to the triple dog dare!!![:o]


QuoteThough I still have no idea how I got talked into adding a dancing welcome sign to the site. Was I DRUNK?

 I threatened you with a whip to add it to the front page.     [;)]
 Seriously, if y all don t like it, don t use it.  :::shrug:::


 gsm x2
Quotechase a button around the screen a bit....hey, pretty cool and definitely NNCish."  
I love it.
 Have anyone else noticed when you try to click on the " photos  button on the top of this page
 Definetly NNCish.
 Have to agree with Scott though, great job on the Web Site Brian and Nick.


 Civil_War_BuffHey Patricia!  Long time no chat!!  Hope all is well with you, Mike and the girls.
 I was just surfing (and chuckling) around NNC s site and saw your family s picture!  I m guessing by the leis that it was taken at the Casitas rally?  We ve got another socal rally scheduled the beginning of May out in Temecula--we d love to see you and really, any and every one from NNC, if you can make it!  Unfortunately, with my little monkey being the non-road trip guy that he is, we re probably out for any long-distance trips for a couple more years (or at least until we get a new tow vehicle with a DVD player in it), but otherwise I would LOVE to be able to go to an NCC outing.  You guys are a trip!  (a long strange one, if ya know what I mean...)[;)][:D][8D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteThough I still have no idea how I got talked into adding a dancing welcome sign to the site. Was I DRUNK?

 I threatened you with a whip to add it to the front page.     [;)]
 Seriously, if y all don t like it, don t use it.  :::shrug:::

 Don t feel bad Patricia, we re just rabble rousing you!


QuoteUnfortunately, with my little monkey being the non-road trip guy that he is, we re probably out for any long-distance trips for a couple more years (or at least until we get a new tow vehicle with a DVD player in it), but otherwise I would LOVE to be able to go to an NCC outing.  You guys are a trip!  (a long strange one, if ya know what I mean...)[;)][:D][8D]

 Lori, we re in the EXACT same boat as you. Toddler Sactocampers is not a great road-tripper. However, we had to go to Palm Desert for a meeting and then San Diego in early February and we bought a 9"  TV/DVD player. It was great! Here s what we did:
 1.) Bought the 9"  TV/DVD player
 2.) Bought plenty of videos (Elmo is Toddler Sactocampers favorite, but you can use whatever  lil Griffy likes)
 3.) We split the trip into two days for each leg (though in hindsight we could have gone farther, but Sacto to Palm Desert is a LONG drive). It was about 4 hours of driving one day and 2-3 hours the next.
 4.) We would leave about an hour before her nap.
 5.) Should would then nap for about an hour or so.
 6.) We would stop at a park and eat lunch so she could stretch her legs, play, and get tired.
 7.) We would get back in the car and run Elmo through the DVD player a couple times.
 It really worked out much better than I had anticipated. Of course you know the limits of  lil Griffy but I had so much anxiety going into our trip and Toddler Sactocampers really came through for us!
 BTW, a 9"  portable TV/DVD player is around $350/$399 and my SIL bought an open box model at Circuit City for around $300. They re also great for the popup. Perfect size.
 Anyway, just thought you might want to know how we handled a long trip with a non-car child and that you can solve the TV/DVD issue with a portable one. You don t have to spend $$$ for one installed in a new car.....unless you want to [;)]. Which of course means you can come to the Gold Rush Rally! [;)][:)]


 SactoCampersHi Brian!
 Funny you should mention the tv/dvd combo...that s what we bought for my OTHER monkey boy, uh, I mean my DH, right after we bought the camper!  [;)]  I guess I didn t think about using it in the car.  Griffy loves Elmo too and just said " Elmo"  or really " Ehmoo"   this past week, but his all-time favorite is Pooh Bear.  We don t leave home, EVER, without his stuffed Pooh.  Maybe we can give it a try on our upcoming trrip to Malibu.  If it works, then an NNC rally might just become a possibiolity!  Scary![;)][:D]


 Civil_War_BuffExcuse me... ahem... pardon, but... well, there doesn t seem to be anything wrong with the buttons on the NNC Website anymore.  [:(]  Makes it seem so... so... normal.  I sure do miss those quirky buttons. [;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Excuse me... ahem... pardon, but... I sure do miss those quirky buttons. [;)]

 Were you linguist in another life perhaps?  Using werds lik " quirky"  along with the others can be construed as " hostile"  in some environments you know!![:@][&:][;)]
 As for " quirky"  isn t that the dictionary definition of a NNCer?  I think that I am the ONLY one without any " quirks"  just ask me, but don t ask Veronica, because she is a gin me too at times!!  
 To Ray, aka surfcough,
 Thanks for the RRD (No, Jeff, not THAT one) (Rabble Rouser of the Day)honors for yesterday.  I wish to thank the academy, my parents, but first an foremost, my coach and mentor Kevin, Scott, Brian, and Neff.
 Y all have a nass day now, Ya hear!


QuoteWere you linguist in another life perhaps? Using werds lik " quirky"  along with the others can be construed as " hostile"  in some environments you know!!


gsm x2

 g-whizFrom American Heritage Dictionary Third Edition (A Windows 3.1 program that is still VERY VERY useful.)
  rabúble n. 1. A tumultuous crowd; a mob. 2. The lowest or coarsest class of people.
   r ousúing adj. 1. Inducing enthusiasm or excitement; stirring. 2. Lively; vigorous. 3. Used as an intensive. --rous?ingúly adv.
  rouse  v. roused, rousúing, rousúes. --tr. 1. To arouse from slumber, apathy, or depression. 2. To excite, as to anger or action; stir up. --intr. 1. To awaken. 2. To become active. --rouse n. The act or an instance of arousing. --rous?er n.
 Yep, werks for me.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Yep, werks for me.
 gsm x2

 OHHHHHHH me toooooooo!!

QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Excuse me... ahem... pardon, but... I sure do miss those quirky buttons. [;)]
To Ray, aka surfcough,
 Thanks for the RRD (No, Jeff, not THAT one) (Rabble Rouser of the Day)honors for yesterday.  I wish to thank the academy, my parents, but first an foremost, my coach and mentor Kevin, Scott, Brian, and Neff.
 Y all have a nass day now, Ya hear!

 I bet Veronica was REAL happy to see that she wasn t thanked in your acceptance speech!
 (I guess you re stayin  home for the big trip this summer now?!)

The Memory Maker

QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Excuse me... ahem... pardon, but... I sure do miss those quirky buttons. [;)]
To Ray, aka surfcough,
 Thanks for the RRD (No, Jeff, not THAT one) (Rabble Rouser of the Day)honors for yesterday.  I wish to thank the academy, my parents, but first an foremost, my coach and mentor Kevin, Scott, Brian, and Neff.
 Y all have a nass day now, Ya hear!

 I bet Veronica was REAL happy to see that she wasn t thanked in your acceptance speech!
 (I guess you re stayin  home for the big trip this summer now?!)
I did it!!
 I did it!!
 I pulled a Quig!!


 The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  The Memory Maker

 I figures that if I just said Scott, and Kevin, I was getting a 6 pack deal for one!! Pretty smart huh?  C mon you can admit it!![:)][:)][:D]
 Me rest??? no way!! I have a lot, alot, alott a-lot to do, but not now!!!