RE: Nick-Neff-Cough website (Northern California)

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 15, 2003, 01:50 PM

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QuoteOh you re coming. You just don t know it yet.

 You re a persistent one!  Now, if we had a Class A or Class C, in which the kids and I could move around and I could get something done instead of just sitting for 7 hours doing absolutely nothing, we d be at all your Northern rallies.  Alas, we don t see one of those rigs in our immediate future.  Minnie Winnie 31C... not that we re looking or anything. [:)][:(]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderHey Patricia....I forgot to ask.  How d you like the SHORT WAY to Cachuma?
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteHow d you like the SHORT WAY to Cachuma?

 First time I didn t have to pray us up that hill.  We could even accelerate at the top of it! [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffMay we all get to the top of the hill with power to spare.  [:D]
 BTW--Nick just cracked the TOP 20.
 Now 9 out of the top 20 are NNC members.
 $30.00/(340 + 213) = 0.054249547920433996383363471971067 per post.
 gsm s are getting their $$$ worth.
 gsm x2


QuoteBTW--Nick just cracked the TOP 20.
BTW Nick hasn t posted anything since 3/7/03!!!!
Quote$30.00/(340 + 213) = 0.054249547920433996383363471971067 per post.
$30.00/(340+213) = 5.4 cents per post to date.
 If you two keep posting at this rate.
 so far we are on day 70 out of 365 days
 Projected posts for year ended are (1722+1110)=2,832
 which will be 1.059 cents per post.
 Currently I m at 124 posts, which is 24.19 cents per post!!


QuoteORIGINAL:The Memory Maker
 I did it!!
 I did it!!
 I pulled a Quig!!

 What did I do now??


 Civil_War_BuffWhy is it called a sports jacket if you don t play sports in it?  And, why do we say a pair of pants or television set when there is only one?  Just wondering!


 Civil_War_BuffHey, take this rabble rousing over to the rabble rousing thread! [8D][:D]. This is the website thread. I come over here and think I have six pages of website requests to fulfill! At least I don t see anymore dancing welcome sign requests. [&:][;)][8D]


 Civil_War_BuffHey, someone moved Sactocampers stapler.  You got him all roused up.
 The stapler thing reminds me of that guy in the movie Office Space.  Anyone else seen that.  " Have you seen my Red Stapler?"   Cracks me up.
 P.S.  Sactocampers, it appears that RR has hijacked this thread.  It used to be clean and innocent.  Pretty soon, we ll be talking " it"  in this thread.

QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 P.S.  Sactocampers, it appears that RR has hijacked this thread.  It used to be clean and innocent.  Pretty soon, we ll be talking " it"  in this thread.

 It s been taken over by Ventura-Neff-Cough! [;)][:D][8D][&:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 P.S.  Sactocampers, it appears that RR has hijacked this thread.  It used to be clean and innocent.  Pretty soon, we ll be talking " it"  in this thread.

 It s been taken over by Ventura-Neff-Cough! [;)][:D][8D][&:]

 woops. That was me. I pulled an Otter.


QuoteHey, take this rabble rousing over to the rabble rousing thread! . This is the website thread.

 Yes, I agree.  All the threads have turned into the same RR thread.  We should try to stay on topic.  Problem is when reading, let alone posting a reply, the title of the board is nowhere to be found.  For example, the only thing I see for this board is " Uhhhhhhhhhh" .  Nothing indicating that it s the Website board.  Any suggestions?

Hybrid Holly

QuoteThe stapler thing reminds me of that guy in the movie Office Space. Anyone else seen that. " Have you seen my Red Stapler?"  Cracks me up.

 Just saw it last night!  LOL the whole time.  What a fun movie!


 CottonwooderI m in a constant state of confusion myself.  I think what Cottonwooder is talking about is why the Renaming Threads thread came to be!  [8D]   It is hard to tell that this thread is actually the Website thread.  Help us, oh Webmaster Sacto!


 SactoCampersHey since the topic on this thread changes every other post I figure its my turn.
 Has anyone in this area who has AT&T cable internet received the nice letter from Comcast saying they are taking over and raising the monthly fee by $14.00 bucks a month?  I m predicting a mass exodus from their service.  Unfortunately I m still locked in to the year commitment.
 Well I should be posting more now.  Got my living room painted this weekend along with helping Rick and Bea move stuff into their new cabin.  We busted two 2X6 wood steps taking the fridge up.  Pretty scarry since I was at the bottom.
 Had some pretty sleepless nights latley cause Hunter had a nasty cold.  First time he has had a fever over a 100 so we were all miserable.  Seems to be doing better but still blowing snot bubbles[:D]