Self-service Negative Bouyancy Rally II, Jan. 16.17 & 18

Started by Surfcal, Dec 06, 2003, 09:26 PM

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You're the default head of a new group of NNC, the Mod Squad.  You have more mods on that trailer than stock amenities.

About the only thing missing on your trailer is a self-leveling compressor for the axle, or did I give you a new idea?


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SurfcalNeff:
About the only thing missing on your trailer is a self-leveling compressor for the axle, or did I give you a new idea?
(brain coming to life) Hmmm, I wonder if once we are un-hitched at the cg if I could remove the self-leveling compressor from the TV & install it on the PU axle?  I'd need a quick-disconnect set-up of course.  Hmmm, ....   :D  (brain frying itself from over-thinking)

Good idea Ray, but too much trouble.  As you know, my mod's. have a sole purpose - To speed up popping-up & down.  That's it.  I just want to camp & relax.  I'll have to settle for using the drill on the BAL Leveler & the tongue crank.

I am ready for Chabot!

Btw, are you interested in seeing Deep Purple (same guitar player (Steve Morse) from The Dixie Dreggs) at The Warfield Theater in Feb.?  Let me know if you're interested.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaBtw, are you interested in seeing Deep Purple (same guitar player (Steve Morse) from The Dixie Dreggs) at The Warfield Theater in Feb.?  Let me know if you're interested.

Huh?  Did you say something?  My ears are still ringing from Dixie Dreggs.



Ray (jeff),

While I don't care to tag along to see Steve Morse playing with Deep Purple we would like to tag along to achieve negative bouyancy - but only if it's full service  ;).

I'll wait to get my MIG from my brother (especially since he hasn't called me in 2 days to confirm, or deny, whether or not his "connection" was able to come through.

Plus, i just can't wait until Olema to show Jeff my door mod  :D

So what do I have to do ?

Red neff Barchetta

Z -
It sounds like maybe you missed the passage in the NNC bylaws that states;
"When a Cougher replaces another Cougher at an official NNC rally and they are the 8th reservation attending said rally, the replacement Cougher then pays for all other Coughers' site fee's for the duration of the rally."

Oh yeah, also since you are replacing Nick you are doubly required to bring along for the assembled group to share a full keg of home brew.

Seriously, glad you can make it!!  I am ready to camp!!!   :)  :)

Almost forgot you are going to do the door mod. to my PU.   :D

Ok, ok, but I will be taking notes & measurements when I check out your mod..

Red neff Barchetta

Oh yeah,
Fine!  I'll have fun at the concert without you & Ray!   :D

Never thought I'd see Deep Purple (& Thin Lizzy) again.

Btw, Steve Morse is absolutely jaw-dropping amazing.
If you are a casual player like Ray & I you too would be humbled.
Anyone else interested?

"Hush, hush, I thought I heard her callin' my name now.  Hush, hush, ..."

Red neff Barchetta

Scott/SCCS -
Where's the pictures of your new mod's.?

I want to see them.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaOh yeah, also since you are replacing Nick you are doubly required to bring along for the assembled group to share a full keg of home brew

Ackkk  :eek: ... can't do the home brew, but I'll think of something special  - maybe some of that left over battery rince water, just for you ;)


Quote from: zymomyzAckkk  :eek: ... can't do the home brew, but I'll think of something special  - maybe some of that left over battery rince water, just for you ;)

You got Nick's site.  No problem, just reimburse me at camp.


Red neff Barchetta

8 days to go!

I've got 8 days to shake the flu also.  I think I'm on the rebound so all looks good.

Looking forward to the zoo also.   :)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaScott/SCCS -
Where's the pictures of your new mod's.?

I want to see them.

Okay, here they are.
Trailer mods.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SCCSOkay, here they are.
Trailer mods.
Scott -
Very nice!!  Woof, woof!!   :cool:  :)
Good move on the leaf springs.  1,500 lbs. is barely enough.
Nice water pump too!  I upgraded to the Whisper King and it really is much quieter than the stock pump.  I think I might steal your idea regarding the bigger fittings.
What a great idea with the sofa piston!  Way to think outside the box.  Brilliant!

Can't wait to check it all out in person.


QuoteOkay, here they are.


Wow, very nice mods indeed !!

You can see some of my mods at:

in the zymomyz's folder.


To SCCS, Zymomyz & Red Neff:

You guys are the Mod Squad.  Good job all.



Quote from: SurfcalTo SCCS, Zymomyz & Red Neff:
You guys are the Mod Squad. Good job all.
Hmmm....but which one is Julie???? :p :J