"Call Of The Wild" NON-rally join if you like w/e, April 16 - 18

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 31, 2004, 07:08 PM

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Steve- I read it but I wasn't sure which position you were talking about.

Ray- Huh?

Brian- There's still plenty of time to keep your namesake and pull a Sacto. Maybe this time you can wait until the day of the rally.


Darth Rver... You still want to camp with this bunch of missfits??

Champ..Dogless & kidless....the last time that happened, you spent most of the weekend in your trailer :eek:
Remember, when it gets dark, we'll be sending all the kids over to your trailer for their glow sticks ;)

Neff...  "I've yet to turn down a GOOD free beer"

I wonder if I can still find that beef flavored beer?

Z...  I read your post.. but I tried to ignore it..


Everyone else. I'm looking forward to a great weekend

Red neff Barchetta

Beef!  I said a good flavored beer.   :)
Wheat, barley, hops, etc...
Btw, I found a great veggie/tofu taco mix.  Just like have having beef texture, but without the beef taste and you won't go mad from eating it.   :D
It's called Smart Ground, not Mad Cow.

Good idea on the Champ's and their glowsticks.  I'll even pitch in for some Dave.  They would be great to have at SugarLoaf.  No kazoo's though!


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaBtw, I found a great veggie/tofu taco mix.  Just like have having beef texture, but without the beef taste and you won't go mad from eating it.   :D
It's called Smart Ground, not Mad Cow.

Hum considering my heritage I just can not let this go by without straightening you out Jeff.

That should in no way be referred to as a TACO!!! :rolleyes:
Perhaps you should call it a TOFUCO so as not to confuse anyone! :J



OK...if you guys can have this much fun on a message board, you must be great to camp with!

Found out about NNC through this website and would like to join you on this trip!  We love camping at Sugarloaf in the spring, in fact we'll be there this weekend.  I just made my reservations for April and am looking forward to meeting you all.  I'll be there early Friday morning as well, so I can help with getting the sites together.  My kids (11 & 8 yrs) will be there with me early, and my husband will be joining us after work.  See you then!

Loretta Mc.
'99 Coleman Sun Valley
'00 Expedition

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: SurfcalBee Cee:

I took all your words above and rearranged it.  I neither deleted nor added words, but I believe this is what you actually meant to say.


Go back to work!

You still have time to change your mind!

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: UnregisteredOK...if you guys can have this much fun on a message board, you must be great to camp with!

Found out about NNC through this website and would like to join you on this trip!  We love camping at Sugarloaf in the spring, in fact we'll be there this weekend.  I just made my reservations for April and am looking forward to meeting you all.  I'll be there early Friday morning as well, so I can help with getting the sites together.  My kids (11 & 8 yrs) will be there with me early, and my husband will be joining us after work.  See you then!

Loretta Mc.
'99 Coleman Sun Valley
'00 Expedition

Hi Loretta,
Wow!  Now that's jumping right in.  Good job.  Your kids will have plenty of kids to hang out with.
You & Steve/Zymomyz can compare Sun Valley's (he has an 03.5).
Since you will also be arriving Friday morning (I'm thinking between 10:00 & 11:00 myself) there's no need to send me your name or resevation #.  Glad you'll be there to help me sweet talk the rangers into letting us pick some sites together.
Do you live in Sonoma county?  We live near Annadel SP.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Hybrid HollyRay,
Go back to work!

You still have time to change your mind!
LOL on both Holly!

How is Pete btw?  How is your Hybrid & TV as well?

Red neff Barchetta

Well, this non-rally is getting rather real.
We've almost cornered 20% of the sites (47).
So far we have;

7 PU's
2 Hybrid's


Just thought I should confirm to the group that I


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaWell, this non-rally is getting rather real.
We've almost cornered 20% of the sites (47).
So far we have;

7 PU's
2 Hybrid's

Only 2 Hybrids??  What gives?
Did you forget that we sold our Popup, and now have a Hybrid,
Or has Holly done some mods to her Hybrid that I wasn't aware of,
Or are you anticipating Sacto pulling a Sacto ;)

Also on the PU count, Surf's only counts as Half a popup :mad:

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: 6QuigsNeff,
Only 2 Hybrids??  What gives?
Did you forget that we sold our Popup, and now have a Hybrid,
Or has Holly done some mods to her Hybrid that I wasn't aware of,
Or are you anticipating Sacto pulling a Sacto ;)

Also on the PU count, Surf's only counts as Half a popup :mad:
Oops, thanks for watching my back Kevin.

Well, this non-rally is getting rather real.
We've almost cornered 20% of the sites (47).
So far we have;

6 1/2 PU's
2 Hybrid's

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Darth RverWith a growth rate like that soon NNC will have to incorporate.

See you camping,

AKA: Darth Rver (PUX)
Gary -
Don't remind me.  I have both March 15th (corp. taxes due) AND April 15th to look forward to every year.   :(
Oh well, someone's gotta pay for the politician's second & third homes.   :mad:


Quote from: 6QuigsNeff,
Only 2 Hybrids??  What gives?
Did you forget that we sold our Popup, and now have a Hybrid,
Or has Holly done some mods to her Hybrid that I wasn't aware of,
Or are you anticipating Sacto pulling a Sacto ;)

Also on the PU count, Surf's only counts as Half a popup :mad:

Must be the TOFUCO's?  :#



Quote from: Red neff BarchettaOops, thanks for watching my back Kevin.

Well, this non-rally is getting rather real.
We've almost cornered 20% of the sites (47).
So far we have;

6 1/2 PU's
2 Hybrid's

Yay, "it's gonna be a ralleee, it's gonna be a ralleee."

You know what that means Neff, a "LIST!!!"

-  Neff -  Tofuco
-  Champ521 - Glowsticks
-  6Quigs - Turkey Fryer
